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I pack my things up and wait for my mother to come back.

Head hurts a little bit, but I think it's perfectly normal.

My mother walks back into the room, and I get up.

"You ready to get going Alex?''

"I guess so. I am going to go back to sleep when we get home, how far is it from here?"

"An hour. You can sleep on the way home."

"Sorry for giving you a scare mom, but the doctor said that since I can't remember that I've had panic attacks before, there's a good chance that I ma never have one again. I guess it was because I died and was out for two days. "

"You what?"

"Was out for two days. I thought the doctor told you?"

"Amanda only told me that you were got here this morning."

"I wonder what she would've said if you were in here with me this morning. I thought she told you about it when you two spoke outside the room. "

"No she didn't." She said. She looked worried, and then looked at me and said, "let's go."

Without another word I grabbed my stuff, which consisted of my phone and my purse. Haven't checked my phone, and I went to check it. There's a message:
Find me when you remember, you will remember this time I promise. Don't tell your mother or we can't meet up.

I don't remember anything, let alone know who you are. If I can't tell my mother, then fine, you find me.

I replied.

What does he mean,this time I will remember?

Was he there with my panic attack?

I honestly don't even know what to do. I thinking when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I get it out and read Lanes message.

Dang girl, oky. How about you text me when you first start to remember. DO NOT TELL YOUR MOM. I need to know first, and be the only who knows. After that, I'll tell you where to meet me. Deal?

Deal. I gotta go though, whoever you are. I'll text you.

You'll find out soon. Bye.

I shut the phone off so I could sleep on the way home. Little did I know, with sleep, comes punishment of remembering.

I follow a boy, Lane I think his name is, out into a forest.
I call out his name, but he tells me to go home, that I don't belong here. I tell him I love him, and he's shocked. He was about to respond when suddenly I was knocked down by an invisible force.
I woke up in the hospital the next day, and I couldn't remember.
It replays about two more times, with slight changes in between.

I woke up terrified. What the hell were those dreams? Like my goodness. Was that Lane? Why did I tell him I loved him? Most importantly, why does an invisible force knock me down every time I try to be with Lane?

I went to go for my phone, and I realized I was in my bed. How'd I get up here?

Oh well I guess

If I need to find Alex, she needs to text me soon. I miss her already. She's mine, and I'm hers.

I think she misses me.

I think she needs help with the confusion of remembering.

I need to find her.

I have to find her.

I need to make sure she is alright.

I will find her, and try to explain to her what all is happening. I have to, I love her. I can't lose her.

I head out to find her.

I discover I'm in my room. It is an emo midnight blue. I love it.

I found out that I woke up when we got home and fell right asleep when I reached my bed.

I find my phone and check to see if anybody messaged me.

More importantly I need to text Lane.

I'm remembering.

I turn on my phone and I see messages from Lane.

I'm heading over. I need to see you. I need to explain everything to you. I'll be over in a little bit.

Lane-(second message)
I'm almost there a couple more minutes.

Lane-(last message)
Open your window I'm here.

I open the window and sure enough it's the guy from the dreams.

This is Lane.

"Who are you? Why do you say you love me?"

"The guys from your dreams, it's me. Let me explain everything to you please. If you want to go then fine, I'll leave. But not until you let me explain."

"Okay. Explain."

"Sir, it's their twentieth time here. She's complete. They've completed the mission. You can't stop them now. Lane is already planning to finally marry her. They will succeed sir."

"No. They will not. I will stop them. "

"But sir if you interfere, Time will hunt you down for messing with everything. Sir-"

"I am Time!!" He shouted.

"Sir you can't mess with everything. They've succeeded you can't do anything now."

"No. I shall succeed in ruining them. You, however will not be there to witness my internal greatness, cause you ma'am, will be dead."

"Sir-" Amanda never finished her sentence as the invisible force killed her. It dragged her body out and disintegrated it. Nobody will ever find it.

Now with that bratty girl gone, I can complete the mission.

My invisible force will kill Alex this time, and will not fail this time around. He has to complete the mission.

I sent these two teenagers on this mission because I knew they'd never complete the mission.

Now that they are close to destroying everything I've worked for.

I can't let that happen.

I need my internal glory. Once I have that, I'll rule the world!

I shall be the Great and Powerful Time Lord!

There shall be nobody who can stop time! Nobody!

Nobody but those two stupid teenagers.

I thought they would've died but now. But over the course of time, they're close.

I must end them.

I WILL END THEM!!!!!!!!!!

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