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I think about Alexis and Lane. They shall die because hen Alexis reaches her 20th death this time in this lifetime,she may remember. She can't remember because she is the only person who knows how to take me down for good. She js the person in the medsunds that forgets. I can't take the chance of her 20th death. Her near death experience will cause her to remember. I released him. Noah is the only chance I have of killing her.

This time she WILL DIE!!!!!!!!

Why did I tell Lane that I didn't remember anything? I should have told him. I have to call him back and have him explain more things because I didn't even get the answers I needed.
I pull out my phone and text him
You need to come back. I didn't even get all the answers I needed. Also I need you to tell me why you said you loved me.

I get this message that pops up on my phone.

The One For Me:)
You need to come back. I didn't even get all the answers I needed. Also I need you to tell me why you said you loved me.

I look for awhile and think to myself. I never told her I love her when she woke up. The last time I told her I loved her the forest.

I text her back-
I will be right there and I will explain everything just wait.

The One For Me:)
Okay I'll wait

I walk up her house and knock on the window.
She looks up from her book and rushes to the window.
"You're remembering again."
"No. You said you loved me."
"The last time I said that was at the forest before you got knocked down on a rock. Youre remembering so do not lie to me. "
"Why did you say you love me and then kissed me?"
"Fine, even though I asked first, I'll answer you. We were dating. I'm only saying were because every time you die you forget what we once were and when you finally up a month and a half later, we only have two weeks to be together. I'll always love you, and it's okay if you want to wait and all, but there js one specific thing you need to remember in the next two months?"
" What? The fact that you're a terrible kisser and it's no wonder  we've never went past kissing?" She says with a smirk.
"No, and we have done more and I get you Everytime, but anyways you need to remember how to defeat Time. You know how to take him down and we can be free and live the rest of our lives together, and we live forever and never become old. The only thing we can do is get you to remember Time's weakness. Then we need to destroy him. We did before but we messed up."
"How did we mess up?"
"We didn't get married. See the thing is we need to seal our love by always wanting to be together and actually get married. By doing that it breaks off Time's hold on us once we defeat him."
" So why don't we just get married right now?"

He thinks he killed me? It's good I made a clone and he killed that instead.
For a Master, he is stupid.
I have to find Lane and warn him that Noah is coming again.
Lane doesn't stand a chance-

"Come here Lane! It'll be you this time.
No more making that pretty girl suffer!
She could be mine!
Do you want to know why Time is not gone for good?"
"I thought he was gone Noah! You're bluffing!"
"You need to tie the knot between you two. You guys need to get married to de late you're own independence from Time himself. So he sent me. Youre welcome. I will kill you both now and see you soon, I know it."

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was there in hologram form, but only Alexis, Alex, could see me. I'm the one that told her his weakness. It's why I'm coming out of hiding now.

His weakness is me, his wife.
Noah is our child from 400 years ago...

Alexis's  Mother-

I can hear everything they're saying. As if they didn't know they'd try this again. Though at least  now I know why they find each other every time.

I don't know whether or not I should interrupt, but know this is her fate, so I wouldn't do anything. I can't, it'd be wrong.


I know  father had tried to kill mother again, I can feel it Everytime her hologram dies every 19 years.
Mother was born a year before him, but she told him she was born the same  year as him.
It's why he kills her every 19 years, so those two, Alex and Lane, never can destroy him.
What father does not know is that mother turned to the good side, Alex and Lanes side, because she knows I liked the girl. She switched and never told my father which is why she makes holograms so he can't really kill her.
My main question is why does she still let me work for my father is she doesn't want to them to get hurt?

I am sitting in the waiting room while my first wife is the ER getting prepped for her delivery.
I don't know whether or not this baby is a girl or a boy, but I have special plans for it. The surgeon comes out and and tells me its ready to deliver the child. I am thinking, I should be nervous but am not because i know that once this baby is in my arms it'll be something that the world!d will forget, but others to remember for quite a long time, but that'll be forever, because out of the medsunds, everyone body will remember it, but it won't remember them..............

"So why don't we just get married right now?"
Alexis Jane Renée just spoke the words I've been waiting 700 years to hear.
I know it's wrong though be cause she doesn't love yet, not the way it's supposed to be.
"We can't because you don't love me the way you're supposed to yet. Wait a week and we'll see how much you remember and can recover from your dreams.   A!so In a week you're feeling can change drastically, so we need to wait. We have more time than we ever did before. So just look deep and maybe you'll find the answers to all our problems. Maybe you just !ah find time answer ti hour hearts problem. Maybe you can your father's weak-"

"My father?"


Authors Note

So honestly I think this book is coming together pretty well. Hopefully I don't get writers block again and have to delete this story like I did with my ithers.
Many more tricks to come.
If alexis is noahs sister, what'll happen when Noah Finds out.?????????


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