Meditation? 11-26-16

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Well hello! Thanks for checking in! I just wanted to inform you that I will be meditating and trying to find out if I have another theriotype. I've been having a strange connection lately to the German Shepherd! So I will inform you guys soon!
So I used Lupis_Canid tips on meditating and I believe I do have a German Shepherd theriotype! Now that I think about it I've always acted like a Dog/Canine barking,running on all fours,and curling up in my parents lap and sleeping when I was younger. Like Lupis_Canid said the guided mediation instructor said "You see a pair of eyes and the animal walks toward you" I seen a German Shepherd walk toward me with yellow amberish eyes and the markings of a German Shepherd but I'm not saying it is my theriotype because 7 minutes into the meditation I opened my eyes accidentally and ruined it. If you do meditate I would recommend not confirming it because the mind can mess with you like that. I will try to meditate tonight when everyone is asleep so see ya guys later!~ Okalani/ThatHowlingCanine

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