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Hello everyone! So uh I've been busy with school work lately so I couldn't of done any writing. As you can see my account is all warriors and I know for some people that's boring so I'm thinking I could do Therian stuff like that but I'm still thinking. Lately I've been seeing alot of Wolfaboos in the community and it's really upsetting because they are basically just kinda 'Making fun' of the Therian community but other than that in school we are learning about fairytales and writing our own. What I've noticed in fairytales the wolf is always the bad guy which is why the wolf is sometimes hated and I just don't really like how people do that but for my fairytale it's the 3 little goats except there is no bad guy. The story is about 3 little goats who get their house blown in by the "Big bad" Coyote but when they get to know her they find out she has 3 starving pups and they convince them to be like them and eat grass and stuff but yeah my day was pretty good I guess.
QOTD: What's your favorite fairytale and what's your least favorite?

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