12.11.16 Dark Shadows Pack!

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Hey guys! So I know I didn't write yesterday but, I have an excuse. I didn't really do anything therian wise except a phantom shift lasting for a couple minutes. BUUUUT I am now in a pack! My alphas name is Nyx and I'm beta! I got a high rank which I'm happy about but also I now have a online family! My alpha is a furry who sells for very cheap prices (Prices range from 75-150 dollars) And the website is http://dadsjordyn.wixsite.com/chaoticcreationsfurs
So anyway yeah I'm a happy wulf I guess! I've had a few Mental shifts here and there.
I also did some research on my theriotype and found out they DONT live in cold places which gets we thinking Is having to like something have to do with a theriotype or personality? Ill have to do more research but that's all that really happened this weekend....~Okalani/ThatHowlingCanine
Hey guys sorry for the late post! (10:32 PM)
Anyways the moon is shining and stars are out, goodnight guys! *Howls*
Christmas Countdown:🎄14 days!🎄

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