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Yay! I finally don't have to find more theriotypes! Anyways, I know that this is a Therian journal but I have now joined the furry fandom. But apart from that I have some announcements!
I have joined a pack called the Woodland Canine Pack! It is a local pack with only 3 members but that's okay. Then I am saving up money to buy 3 quarts pendants, 3 wolf fur necklaces and 2 tails. I had a Malachite shift a few days ago. I was playing tug a war with my dog and I was growling but I don't remember much of it. But that's all that really happened this past week and if not I probably forgot
I also got to see a dogs purpose with -Sunchild- me her and my Grandpa were crying like babies lol. I also forgot to say that I'm alpha of the pack :3

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