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Hello again! I wanted to thank you guys for 132 views! It means alot. I'm really nervous for tomorrow because I have P.E. Listen, I love P.E it's just that we have a test tomorrow I believe but I think it's push ups and sit ups (Which I'm best at but not the push ups) I have a strange feeling that tells me tomorrow is going to be an okay day. Anyways I have a story that made me tear up, There is a busy road like BUSY and all of a sudden a dog came running towards all the cars thank StarClan (Yes warrior cat reference don't judge) someone stopped a rabbit's length (Another warrior cat reference) away from his/her muzzle but I was really worried about him/her. If I were the driver I would have stopped and helped it. But my mom said that the dog was fine but when I was a little younger than I am now I had a neighbor who had a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and her name was Charlotte (I might make a book about the situation just make up a story line) but she was barely on the street when all of a sudden I hear a loud yelp and a car not even stopping just looked at the dog as she turned the corner flipping us off for some reason. But it was all alright it was just dislocated I believe. But yeah thats how my day went :)~Okalani/ ThatHowlingCanine
Hey guys thanks for reading!
Christmas Countdown:🎄13 days!🎄

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