The Dreaded Makeover Time

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   Biana swung open the door to her room.  She went straight to her vanity table with enough make up to last a girl five lifetimes.  She guided Sophie to her walk-in closet that seemed more like a maze to Sophie. 

    "Okay let me go choose some dresses for us. For your's I promise to make it simple." Biana shooed Sophie out of her closet. "Yeah right..." she muttered. 

     Ten minutes later, Biana emerged holding two dresses.  One red, one navy blue.  Sophie already knew which dress was hers.  Her dress was simple yet elegant.  Biana's dress on the other hand, was the complete opposite.

    "Makeover time!" sang Biana sweetly. Sophie inwardly groaned. Not this.  You okay over there? Keefe is right now giving me a lecture on how to impress the 'ladies.'  Fitz transmitted something that sounded like what Sophie was going through right that moment.  I'm not that good, she replied. Biana is forcing me to put on make up and I hate it. That concluded their discussion. 

   Sophie forced herself to obey Biana's instructions of torture as she sat down in the chair of her of her vanity table.  After what felt like an hour but was really 15 minutes, Sophie got a good look at herself and her dress. 

   Turned out that Biana really did work miracles.  The red dress Biana chose was one solid color of red.  It had capped sleeves with roses on it and it flowed down to her ankles.  For makeup, she only chose eyeliner and lip gloss.  She got to keep on her earrings though.  She kept her hair natural and put in a messy bun where half of it was braided. 

   For Biana, it was a whole new level.  She had on a knee-length strapless navy blue dress with a jeweled belt in an 'x' shape.  She wore thick mascara and bold pink lipstick.  Shoes for her were a whole new floor of an 'elf's trend.' Super-high heeled sandals were her idea of 'shoes.' To Sophie, it was the human brand of torture.  Her hair was curled to the extent and left loose. 

  For the was something quite the same.  "So Keefe, which girl do you like?" Fitz asked. "Well I guess Foster's pretty cool.  I consider her one of us guys.  She's not that girl-ish." Fitz smirked. "I meant crushes, duh." Keefe sighed. "I was hoping you wouldn't say that.  But I like a certain girl with dark hair and a button nose who happens to have feelings for me and is your sister. You?" A one-word answer from Fitz. "Sophie."

    "Well enough with this chatter.  We have an aurenflare to prepare for! Since I have a better sense of fashion then you, and even though this is your room, I'll be the one picking our clothes tonight.  We have to impress the 'ladies.'  Fitz inwardly groaned (sounds a lot like Sophie. Anyone else think they're cute?).  When Keefe was in favor, everything could change from a simple little camp fire to a Great Gulon Incident #2.

    Keefe came out carrying two outfits.  He handed him one.  Fitz's outfit was a button-down shirt with a black tie paired with black dress pants and shoes.  Keefe's outfit was similar.  Except, his tie was purple with yellow polka-dots (he claimed it was all about the look), and he wore a navy blue vest.  "Should we do anything to the hair, like gel?" asked Fitz. "Nah. Let's just fuss with it until it looks good." Then they finished and walked out looking like teenage models. 

A.N: Sorry if that was rushed.  School has been piling up.  I had to squish in the update between homework time. 

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