Truth or Dare

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Biana was in a hurry to rush down the stairs.  Her curled hair flapped against her waist as she ran (without tripping).  Sophie on the other hand, was doing anything to stall herself from walking down the stairs and trip and end up in the elves weekly news (I made that up). 

     Since Biana got down first, she quickly cooked up a plan to get Sophie moving.  Fitz and Keefe were already there so she called, "Doesn't Sophie look great?"  Sophie slowly walked down the stairs in all her beautiful red glory.  She blushed lightly.  You look beautiful Fitz transmitted.  Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself.  She'd always blushed when somebody said she looked 'pretty.' But with Fitz saying that only made it worse. 

     "Okay chop-chop you can stop looking at her in awe now, we have an aurenflare!"  Sophie expected the aurenflare to be like the last one with bright flames of red, orange and blue.  It was exactly the same except for one horrible secret ingredient.  A game of truth or dare.

    It all started by Keefe.  Their resident trouble maker had to hog all the fun by making everybody extremely embarrassed. 

   Biana started first.   "Keefe, truth or dare?"  "Dare." he stated proudly.  "Only a wimp would say truth."  Almost immediately she said, "I dare you to kiss the person you like and if she's not here, go hail her on your imparter and kiss her then." Keefe groaned as Biana and the others looked at him with triumph.  "Payback time." they all seemed to say. 

     Finally he got up and pecked Biana.  She looked as if she were about to faint and sat back down.  "My turn!" he said.  "Fitz, truth or dare?" "Truth and don't you dare call me a wimp or I'll beat you with my shoe.  And need I remind you that dress shoes are pretty hard."  "Okay... I wasn't expecting that so lemme think. "

      Ten Minutes Later...

     "Ugh Keefe make up your mind already!" Biana screamed.  "Fine! I got it. Fitz...who do you like?"  Keefe looked at him like, "You're so not getting out of this, bro, sooo busted." Fitz sighed. "Fine... it's  Sophie." his face fell.  Biana squealed. "OMG!!! You guys would be super-super cute!" His teal eyes darkened.  "No we wouldn't.  I doubt she even feels the way I feel about her.  Keefe suddenly burst out laughing and said, "Wow man, you are sooo oblivious!" Sophie glared at him. "Keefe stop it!" her tone softened as she looked at Fitz. "Fitz...Don't think like that, because you too." His head snapped up. "You do?" "Yes" she laughed, "I do. And I find it surprising that you actually like me."

     "This whole world look at you like a perfect prince. And me? I'm just an impertinent teenage girl who people go out of there way to ignore.  I'm a peasant dressed in a princess's clothes and I have no right to be here right now." Fitz's laugh sounded bittersweet as he said "You're wrong about all of it." Thank you. she transmitted staring at his eyes and the fluttering finally went away.  She knew he liked her back.  " are totally ruining the moment with the emotions here." Keefe fanned his face (<3 I like his style).  "You are the one ruining the moment." Fitz argued playfully, slowly inching his hand toward his hair.

     "OH-NO!!! Not the hair!!!" He struck the final blow. Touching Keefe's hair.  The victim wailed in discomfort and ran around the courtyard.  It soon turned into a tackle match variation of bramble. 

      Sophie yawned.  "Well if anybody else is tired it's me. I'm tired of this game and all the makeovers, so I'm going to bed.

A.N: Well I ended that pretty abruptly.  Tell me what you think in the comments below

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