Another Makeover

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     Sophie woke up to a beautiful sunrise.   Dang it, she thought.  I forgot to close the blinds. Oh well, I can just stay here admiring the sunrise. And not just feel carefree.  Then the thoughts of last night drained her bliss away. She slapped her forehead.  Why did she have to be like that? Why?

     Sophie sighed, Might as well change then.  She didn't want  another makeover by Biana.  She took out the plain white tunic from her bag and pulled out some leggings and shoes.   Thank goodness she woke up before anybody else. 

     One glance at the mirror, she realized that she looked like a blond Stina.  Her hair was frizzy and she looked very grumpy.  So she combed her hair and washed her face.  Again.  Better look clean or else Biana will give you a makeover.   The next glance at her reflection, looked like she made a huge effort to look good.  But I only took a few minutes.  She looked at herself.  

     Sophie hadn't realized how much she changed in the past year.  Her hair grew longer past her shoulders, her eyes the color of warm hot cocoa, and she grew slender and tall.  And then she remembered she was a level four.  Next year, Fitz and Keefe would be in the elite levels.  And this year, they were supposed to fill out a packet for matchmaking.  It all was thrown at her and Sophie struggled to process it all. 

     Her future was very confusing. 

     She opened the door only to be met by a groggy looking Biana.  For once she didn't look like her perfect princess self.  Her hair looked like a bird's nest and her eyes were half closed"What do you want?" Sophie asked.  Biana's answer surprised her a lot.  "I'm to lazy to get myself together.  Is it possible for you to give me a...makeover?" she was stunned.  Biana? Makeover? Her? "Okay, I guess.  But don't yell at me if I do something wrong. I know nothing about putting people together." "Oh don't worry I already know my morning routine." she was smiling.  Good.  Biana thought.  She doesn't know what she's getting in to.

     When they got to the room of torture and makeup, Biana plopped herself on her chair and started telling Sophie what she wanted to wear.  "Look in the closet and choose the something you wouldn't want to wear." she went into the girl's walk-in closet and saw something she definitely wouldn't want to wear.  A purple mid-thigh tunic with a diamond encrusted clasp in the middle.  And worst of all Sophie's worst nightmares...completely terrifying...sparkles.  Sophie looked at it in disgust and couldn't bear to touch the 'thing.' But she gave it to Biana. 

     "Good." confirmed Biana.  She slipped into the dress as Sophie made her way to the vanity table.  "Okay, so first I planned on getting a haircut today.  So comb my hair and just trim it." she followed the instructions carefully.  "Looks pretty good. Now I'm going to go wash my face.  In the meantime go look in my closet and pull out the nail polish box." Sophie did as she was told.  Biana chose purple nail polish to go with her outfit and she had her 'maid' paint her nail and toes. 

     "Now for the makeup." Sophie repressed a sigh.  All Biana cared about was make up, makeovers and beauty.  The princess chose thick mascara, blush (Sophie asked "But won't you be blushing enough from Keefe?" she earned a whack in the face) and bold magenta lipstick.  "Wow Biana," Sophie exclaimed.  "How much longer will I have to play along with this purple-ish charade?" she laughed, "Gee, I don't know."

     When they were done, Biana squealed with delight.  "Sophie! You did great! How can I ever pay you back?" Realization dawned over her as she noticed her mistake.  Biana did this so Sophie had to endure another makeover!

     "Argh!!!!! Why?! Why do I have to be so stupid?!" Sophie slapped her self so many times she lost count.  She felt like slamming her head on the table.  Biana looked at her with triumph. 

     "Oh-no..." Sophie muttered.  "Here we go a gain. "

A.N: Okay guys if you are enjoying this story, I plan on making another one. Please comment or like! I've recently made a schedule.  Saturday will be u[dating for this story.  And Sunday is for the new story.




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