1. Jitters

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Jackson Whitmore.

You're typical white rich kid, or as I like to call him, my best friend. Trust me Jackson's a great guy but patience is not one of his virtues.

I was currently running around my kitchen, my toothbrush still hanging out of my mouth. I was trying to get my pants on and all of this was happening while Jackson honked the horn loudly, rushing me out.

I pulled the toothbrush out of my mouth running to the bathroom and dropping it in the cup on the side of the sink. I successfully got my jeans on and grabbed my shoes, backpack, and jacket and ran out the door.

"Okay, I'm coming can you stop!" I ran to the car, yanking the door open and plopping into the leather seat.

"Took you long enough." He pulled out of my driveway and began driving down the usual route to school. I managed to get my shoes on and slip my jacket on and leaned back I got the seat.

"Well I don't work well under pressure, you should know this by now jack jack." I turned, locking my gaze on my best friend.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?" We stopped at a red light and he looked over at me.

"Not enough, considering I still do it." He rolled his eyes as the light changed.

"I hate you." He mumbled under his breath as we pulled into a parking spot.

"You love me and you know it." I unbuckled my seat belt and got out the car, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "I'll see you inside yeah?" He nodded and I walked towards the school.

I saw a familiar strawberry blonde head walking ahead of me, and a kid with a buzz cut smiled as he saw her approach.

"Hey Lydia, you look li-like you're going to ignore me." I frowned slightly, noticing how Lydia just straight up ignored the kid.

"Hey, don't sweat it. Lydia's like that with a lot of people. Or at least I think she is, I never really see her unless she's attached to Jackson and even then she's never talking." I rambled on as the kid stared wide eyed. "I kind of like to think that in her head she's marching towards a fleet of Jedi with an army behind her. Anyway, just don't worry about her. Are you new here?" I looked at him and his friend, them still staring.

"Uh...uh no I um I've lived in Beacon Hills for a while." Oh

"Oh. I didn't know that, well it's nice to meet you..." I held my hand out.

"Stiles." His friend answered for him as I slowly put my hand down.

"Interesting name. Very unique. I'm Olivia." They both nodded the taller one getting ready to speak. Just as he was about to Jackson came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Come on Olivia, we're already late as is. Let's go." I looked back at the two mouthing an apology and walked to my locker with Jackson at my side.

Like I said, patience is not one of his virtues.


I walked into English class, scanning for an open seat walked down the row and sitting down.

I looked across the empty seat between me and stiles and reached across tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, sorry about Jackson. He doesn't really like-"

"Me?" I stopped realizing I was cut off. Stiles looking at me, and I began to wonder if the word even left his mouth.

"I was gonna say being late. I'm sure he's perfectly fine with you and your friend." Before he could get a word out the teacher walked in, a pile of papers in his hand.

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