Extra: Christmas Special

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Just a quick note, you guys should listen to the song.

"Olivia!" I shot up out of bed, bumping heads with whoever had called me.

"Ow." I muttered rubbing my head and opening my eyes. "Lydia? How did you get in here?"

"Marta let me in. Now get up, you need to get ready." She stood, walking towards the large doors leading to my closet.

"For what?" I stood, crossing my arms as I shivered. She turned, her curls whipping around with it.

"Did you really forget about my Christmas party?" My eyes widened.

"No of course not." She nodded and shoved me towards the bathroom.

"Shower. Now." I let out a sigh and did what she said, washing my hair. I walked out, tying my robe as I walked towards Lydia.

"Did you finish messing up my room yet?" She turned, her hands on her hips and a smile on her face.

"I think I did a pretty good job don't you?" She asked, completely ignoring my question. I looked to see what she'd laid out, there was a pair of plumb high wasted jeans and a grey crop top, with a pair of black heeled boots.

"Not to blow up your head anymore than anyone else has, but yeah." She smiled at me and looked away and froze.

"What's that?" She walked over to the stand that was covered in a tarp.

"Uh, nothing just a painting." I stated, trying to get her to not lift the tarp.

"Can I see it?"I stuttered, the words not finding the way out of my mouth. Lydia for some reason took this as a yes and lifted the tarp.

"Woah, who is that?" She asked, the painting wasn't finished but it was done enough for her to know it was a person.

"Um, just a friend." I responded, tucking a strand of wet hair behind my ear. "You know what? Um I'm gonna go get dressed." I began to walk towards my closet but turned around. "Um Lydia?" She turned. "Do you mind if I invite someone? To the party I mean."

"No of course not, invite whoever." I nodded as Lydia walked out of my room, telling me that she would see me later. I pulled out my phone and began dialing a familiar number.

Let's hope he's in a Christmas mood.


"Lydia?" I called out as I walked into the large house. The living room was decorated, a tall tree in the corner. Lydia walked out in a red dress, her heels clicking on the tiles.

"Hey, Jackson's here, and so is Scott and Allison. And that weird twitchy friend of theirs." I laughed slightly and nodded my head walking further into the house. I walked in as they were playing a game and I watched as Jackson got pissed, probably because he lost.

"Hey King." Jackson greeted and I smiled, waving slightly.

After a while a few other people showed up, the party staying surprisingly small. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, smiling as I read the text. I walked into the kitchen and found Lydia.

"Hey Lydia I'm just going to go say hi to someone outside, just thought to let you know. You know, in case you needed me." She nodded and I walked out.

Derek was leaning against his Camaro, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey." I greeted. He smiled as I approached.

"I didn't think you'd actually want to invite me to something like this. Considering the only people I know here hate me." I walked closer and he uncrossed his arms, leaning back in them.

Spoiled || Teen Wolf [1] DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora