Tampax and Dark Chocolate (My rants, fanfics, destiel, and drabbles)

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Ok, so I’m sure you are all like ‘what kind of a book is this?  It’s about tampons and a byproduct of the cocoa bean?  The hell is this?’  Well, if you would just stop judging for one freaking moment, I shall inform you that I believe I am boring myself too easily and need to branch out into the journalistic side of writing.  So, here I am, writing everything that comes to my mind, no filter.  It’s funny how the Internet takes away one’s inhibitions.  Oh, you’re still probably wondering about the title, eh?  Well, you see, this past Sunday, I wanted some dark chocolate so bad I saw about to cry…literally.  So, I drove on down to my local supermarket and grabbed up two very large dark chocolate bars.  While I was there, though, I took a detour and grabbed up some tampons. 

Side Note:  How crappy is the name ‘Tampax’ for tampons?  It just seems like an obvious yet moronic name for a tampon brand.  Sorry, no hate to Tampax.  Just saying. 

Anyways, I thought as I was checking out in the handy lane, I thought to myself (as I do most times cuz I just think to myself all the time) ‘Wow!  What a name for a book…or a lil memoir thing-a-ma-bob!’  Thus, I christen thee Tampax and Dark Chocolate:  The Memoir of One College Bound, Crazy, Off the Wall Teenage Girl *or, for short, Tampax and Dark Chocolate

I don’t want this to be, like, the #1 Nonfiction (though how seriously frakkin awesome would that be?), I simply want the world to know a little more about me so I may leave behind a truly awesome existence when I pass through the whatever at the end of this life. 

This is my random little place where I may rant, discuss, and blab about whatever.  Ok, so I guess this is pretty much for me, about me, my own little world revolving around my being.  So sue me, I want one little thing just for me.  If you’d like to comment or like, I would love that and probably owe you a lifetime of gratitude.  Kk, I am done rambling now, so…yeah.  Bye! –Chelsea

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