Happy Easter w/new, cute Destiel/SPN oneshot!! :) *Ice Cream Shoppe*

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A/N:  Ok, so I wanted to post this to tell you all Happy Easter (if you celebrate it. If not, well, happy just another day!), and to thank all loyal readers, fan, and Supernatural lovers out there. This is unlike my other stories, as it has Uncle Bobby, Castiel, Dean, and Sammy, but young and innocent.  Dean and Castiel are best friends, both 7 years old, Sammy is 5, and they are in the care of Uncle Bobby because their father is busy, but they know very little about hunting. This is just a short story of them all going to the ice cream shoppe, cuteness may follow :) Enjoy, and I'll see you guys later! 

“C’mon, Cas, we’re going for ice cream!”  Seven-year-old Dean shouts up the stairs to where Castiel is playing in Dean’s room with Dean’s extensive Lego’s collection.  Dean ties his laces on his boots haphazardly with little Sammy staring with wide eyes, absorbing everything his big brother is doing in hopes to do the very same things soon. 

“Coming!!”  Castiel shouts from upstairs, clomping down two stairs at a time, making such a loud ruckus Dean can’t help but look up and see the little boy; dark hair tousled from roughhousing earlier, trench coat dirty, and his dad’s tie long and tied wrong.  But Dean could care less how his best friend dresses.  He himself isn’t seen without his boots, jeans, and his father’s oversized leather jacket.

“Can I come, too?”  Sammy asks, eyes wide like a little puppy and lip quivering just the slightest.

“Of course, Sammy.  Here, I’ll help you put on your shoes.”  Sammy still had Velcro shoes, so they were easier for him, but Dean couldn’t wait until he could help Sammy learn to tie laces on the pair of boots he’ll give him (Uncle Bobby will pay, of course) when he’s older. 

“You boys ready for some ice cream?”  Uncle Bobby walks in, boot steps heavy on the worn, creaky floor boards, keys jingling in his calloused hand.

“Yeah!!” All three boys shout in unison, a joyful chorus resounding from the interior of a welcoming home the Winchester boys have known all their lives.  Uncle Bobby smiles, lips parting his scruff of facial hair to reveal straight, white teeth.  Dean grabs his younger brother’s jacket, rapidly putting it on him before he grabs Castiel’s hand with the other, running to catch up with the fast-striding Uncle Bobby.  When they reach the car, all three young boys pile in the back seat; Dean assists Sammy with the seatbelt before he turns to Castiel to talk about cars, action movies, and monsters.  After a short ten-minute car ride that seemed to drag on forever, they arrive at the local dairy bar that offers everything from milkshakes and ice cream cones to slushes, floats, and banana splits.

Dean hurries to unbuckle little Sammy, as he was aniticipatingly bouncing in his seat, and he ran quickly to Uncle Bobby, who was already waiting at the door of the ice cream place.  Castiel unbuckles and leaps from the back of the car, quickly followed by a very hungry Dean.

“Get whatever you boys want, my treat.”  They all take seats in a row at the stools in the front by the ice cream, a rare thing to do since those are the most popular seats in the house.

Dean turns to Castiel, who looks stuck and confused in his thoughts. 

“What are you getting, Cas?” 

Castiel looks over to Dean, eyes wide.

“I don’t know.  I’ve never been here before.  What’s good?”

“Everything!  It’s ice cream!”

The waiter comes, takes Uncle Bobby, Sammy, and Dean’s orders.  Castiel looks so nervous, almost like he’s never had ice cream before.

“And what would you like today?”  Pen ready, the waiter waits on Castiel’s response.

“I, um, well…” Cas glances over to Dean out of the corner of his eye.

“He’ll have a smiley cone, too,” Dean butts in, trying to save Cas from embarrassment.

“Ok, I’ll have your order ready in a few minutes.”

“Thank you,” Uncle Bobby calls to the man walking away, turning to the boys and listening to their conversations.

“Thanks, Dean.  But what is a smiley cone?” 

“You’ll see.  I think you’ll like it, too.”  He bursts out in a million-watt smile.

“Okay, if you say so,” Cas is unsure, but he trusts Dean.

When the waiter brings the orders, Castiel is the last to be handed his order.  The waiter hands him a sugar cone with a pretty large swirl of soft-serve vanilla on top, complete with two blue candy eyes, a candy corn nose, and a lopsided smile painted on with warm fudge.

“See, Cas?  It’s smiling at you!  And he looks just like mine!”  Dean holds out his ice cream cone, same cone, same ice cream, but with two green candy eyes, a chocolate chip for a nose, and a caramel squiggle for its mouth instead of fudge. 

“Hey, they look like us!” Cas exclaims, a smile spreading steadily until it seems to fill his entire young face.

“They sure do,” Uncle Bobby exclaims, chuckling heartily.  Sammy nods beside him, already engrossed in his small ice cream cone.

The two boys look at each other, smile, and take the top bite off their smiley’s heads, shaking dramatically from the cold and proclaiming brain freezes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2012 ⏰

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