Everyone Dies-A Dean Winchester Dark!fic

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A/N This includes a suicide attempt.  I do not advise reading this if it may be triggering to you.  I understand things may trigger, and I know each person has his/her own limit, but I wrote this because I had suicidal thoughts again this weekend, so I let it all out using Supernatural Characters. Just be aware.  Thank you, Chelsea

It’s all his fault.  Everyone around him dies.  He can’t help them.  He can’t save them.  He’s not good, no hero.  Sammy got killed right in front of him, and he couldn’t stop it.  Now, his innocent little brother is lying here on an otherwise empty bed, dead for the past week, but Dean can’t bear to bury him.  He just can’t.  Not yet.  Not until he finds a way to save him.  But he can’t.  He’s tried everything, and there’s no way to bring him back anymore.  He’s exhausted all his resources.  Bobby’s dead, Sam’s dead, Dad’s dead, Cas is dead; they’re all dead, and all because of Dean. 

“I’m sorry, Sam.  I really am.”  Dean pushes the hair off Sam’s forehead, revealing pale and tough skin.  There’s nothing to do now but wait to die.  But wait…Dean looks over at his gun, lying on the table, pristine.  Dean has nothing, nobody to live for.  It’s not worth fighting anymore.  It’s just not worth it. 

Dean gingerly steps over to the table, picks up the gun gently, and weighs it in his palm.  Just one bullet, that’s all I need, he thinks.  He glances over to Sammy, lying cold and still on the bed.

“I’ll see you soon, Sammy.”

And without another thought, Dean puts the gun to his temple, places his finger in the right place, cold metal burning his flesh, and pulls the trigger.

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