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"What do you want to do today?" Brandon asked.

"Well since everyone is in town lets go to the trampoline park?" I asked.

"Even Hunter?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah even Hunter you guys are brothers it's time we put the past in the past" I smiled.

"I'm so happy your mine" he smiled pulling me closer to him.

"I'm happy I'm yours too" I smiled kissing him.

"IM HERE" I heard Loren yell.

"SO AM I" Mark yelled oh yeah i forgot to tell you they happened.

They got engaged too.

I'm so happy for them.

"Hey babe" I said hugging Loren.

"Hey hoe" she said back.

"You ready to jump" I asked.

"Of course" she answered.

•  • •

Once everyone got there and we got our stuff we started jumping.

Me and Blake were having a contest to see who can do more back flips, when I fell into the big block pit.

Once I climbed out Brandon was down on one knee tying his shoe.
Just kidding.

He was down on one knee holding an engagement ring. I wasn't out of the pit when I saw it so I kinda collapsed back into the pit.

I ended up getting pulled out of the pit by Hunter and Blake.

Then Brandon spoke those words that I always dreamed would come out of his mouth "Kassidy Rain Dallas would you do me the honor of being able to call you my wife?"

I had tears in my eyes nodding like a psycho.

I helped him up and gave him a hug.

"I love you Brando thank you for being there for me" I smile through my tears.

"I love you too Kass, thank you for keeping me, me" he hugged me tighter.

Blake and everyone were taking pictures of us.

I just smile realizing how lucky I am for my amazing friends.

I let go of Brandon and went and hugged Ariel.

I just cried on her shoulder.

"Thank you Ariel for always being here for me" I said.

Next I went to Blake.

He just hugged me while smiling.

"You know I should thank you. For making me opening my eyes and see who my true soul mate was" I smiled hugging him tighter.

I went down the line until finally I got to Hunter.

"I'm sorry Kass" he said.

"Don't be" I hugged him.

"Hunter if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have met all these amazing people except Brandon ,and Blake but you are the reason I have such an amazing life, and have got to do so many tours" I smiled through my tears.

So guys that was depressing.

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