I Love You But I'm Leaving

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Inspired by the song I Love You But I'm Leaving by Rusty Clanton

"Mike please just figure yourself out" Will said, a tear threatening to fall as he spoke over the walkie-talkie. "I love you so much Mike, okay. But I can't keep on being something confusing. I feel like you're a fire and I'm just standing too close. I'm getting tired of moving my chair back and still feeling the heat, it's like it gets more intense the farther away I get. It's like you're constantly changing, taking one off and then putting on another. But it's because you're confused, you need to figure yourself out. You need to figure out what you need, if this is you. You just need to make it work out in the end and I know I won't be much help to that. If you can't help yourself I can't make myself stay. So this is goodbye." Will said as he released the button on the side.

Then he cried.

Will placed the device onto his bedside table and finally broke down, sobbing into his blanket. He cried for so long, unable to keep track of the time anymore and unable to sleep.

"I love you" Mike's voice cracked silently through the speaker.


short and shit, hope you enjoyed the double update though

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