Chapter 26

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Louis ends up in the exact place he didn't want to be, both physically and mentally. But here he is in love with a boy and standing next to Eleanor. He needed to get out, after that fiasco with Harry he just needed a distraction and Eleanor provided that. The idea of brunch doesn't sit well with Louis, so he opted for a coffee. The cold air envelops them like a blanket, sinking deep into their skin. Louis can't help but feel the goosebumps rising, and he's agitated he didn't bring a warmer coat.

"You can't start your day with just a coffee," Eleanor exhales, obviously concerned.

"I've started my day with coffee plenty of times, I had too much to drink last night. Food is not on my agender this morning," Louis scrunches his nose up at the thought.

"Even a ham and cheese toastie? Food is supposed to cure hangovers,".

"Yes, not even that. I'm really not hungry, I'll eat later,".

Louis hears the barister call his name clearly, and he looks over to Eleanor who is watching him worriedly. He gives her a gentle smile and shrugs before walking over to receive his coffee. Eleanor's food is to go, because Louis feels too skittish to be sitting. He just wants to walk.

"Are you still not willing to talk about what's got your knickers in a twist?"

Eleanor walks a little bit faster, to keep up with Louis who is walking way faster than usual. He ignores her comment and takes a sip of his coffee. The strength is just what he needed, and the bitterness is enough to make him forget about the way Harry tasted. Maybe not. That's unforgettable. Louis' brain is automatically going through each detail and he swears his knees will give out. He takes another sip of the boiling hot drink, and once again he is thrown out of his thoughts as he burns his tongue. He hisses.

"Louis, just talk," Eleanor stops in her tracks, glaring at him.

"I really can't, just give it a rest,".

Louis is beginning to really regret his decision of going out, he was better off sitting at home stewing over this by himself. He knows Eleanor is thinking about a remark and he feels the breath knocked out of him when she speaks.

"Did you kiss a student? Is that's what's going on here?".

Louis replies almost too fast, his voice suddenly not even sounding like his own.

"Don't be ridiculous, absolutely fucking ridiculous. I am personally going through a rough time that is all, nothing to do with the students. Can we talk about anything but me? Cause I've had enough,".

"I'm not that interesting that's the problem. I don't have any issues, and I'm just working the same old job. What is there to talk about?".

Louis mentally agrees, there is nothing to talk about with her. But everything to talk about when it comes to him. He feels like he's got Harry's name branded on his chest, and it's a mark he won't be able to get rid of. He takes another sip of his coffee and changes the subject immediately. This is going to be a long day.


Harry couldn't keep it to himself, even if he wanted to. He thought by the time he walked it off, the feeling of exploding with emotions would have dissipated but he was wrong. He's used the time while walking to reflect on the incident and he had pieced it all together. He feels like he has a permanent red tinge to his skin because he knows he blew Louis. And he's both appalled but excited. When he rounds the corner to Niall's street, he breaks into a jog.

It isn't long before he's entering Niall's house, greeting Maura and quickly making his way into the bedroom. When he opens the door, he's not surprised to find Niall angrily playing Call of Duty. But as soon as Niall makes eye contact with Harry, he drops the controller.

"You better tell me something really interesting," Niall speaks fast, turning his game off.

"It happened," Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"IT happened? I need you to elaborate because if you mean you had sexual intercourse with Mr. Tomlinson, I may have a near-death experience right this instant," Niall's eyes light up, and then he frowns.

Harry rolls his eyes and lays on the bed staring at the ceiling. There's this major part of him that wishes he was in a different world, where he wasn't a student and last night was a permanent thing. His mind immediately begins to wonder but doesn't get far because he's attacked with a cushion.

"You are too excited, what is wrong with you?" Harry frowns.

"How can I not be? What happened! This is the juiciest gossip I've ever heard,".

"I didn't have sexual intercourse with him. That's me being honest. I did sleep next to him though,"

Niall's face fell flat and slowly seemed to become more intrigued as Harry continued. Harry felt the flood gates open, and he let it all go. Every dirty aspect and he watches as Niall's jaw hits the floor. There are a few moments while it ticks over before Niall hits Harry hard on the arm.

"Get the fuck out of town!".

"You can't say anything, at all. Please," Harry says suddenly seriously.

He knows he's in absolute deep shit if this ever gets out, but he needed to let it out to someone and Niall is probably the only person he could trust, besides Ed that is. Niall just nods and then they begin talking.

"Do you think this will happen again?" Niall suddenly asks, genuinely curious.

"At this point, I don't even know. I feel like saying a no is a lie, it's so unpredictable," Harry shrugs

"Do you really love him?"

Harry stops in his tracks then and lets the question weigh down on him like a tonne of bricks. He genuinely thinks about it, and he knows just by the sheer fear that overcomes him it must be love.

"I think I do, how can I when he is an absolute asshole to me?".

"Can't answer that, that's a you problem... Could you guys in private?" Niall raises an eyebrow

"I highly doubt it,". Harry sighs

"You should talk to him, properly. Because there's only so much back and forth before something is done. He's probably going insane thinking all this over,"

"What do I say to him?" Harry's mind is running a million miles an hour, trying to think of ways to bring it up.

"You have his number, just text him. Something like; Hey. Enough of this. A serious chat needs to happen. Can't keep doing this. I don't know Harry, fuck sake. You're supposed to be the smart one,".

Harry rolls his eyes and takes his phone out. He stares at Louis' contact for a few seconds, contemplating. He can't keep going around in circles, but at the same time, he told Louis how he felt already. It's up to him.

"It's up to him Niall. I told him I loved him and left. I can't keep chasing him," Harry puts his phone away.

"Do you think he'll chase back? I mean...he's had a taste. He'll want the rest. I am certain,"

At this point, Harry doesn't want to keep talking. He asks Niall if he can have a shower, he needs to clear his head. Niall happily obliges and Harry uses the time in the shower to reflect. It's where he replays every moment of the kiss, the blowjob, the taste. Harry is totally, irrevocably in love with this man. And there's nothing he can do about it. This ball is in Louis' court, and he doesn't know what's to come ahead.

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