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(chapter song: shiloh dynasty - nicole's garden [throwed])
- Melrose Faye -

I wake up from my slumber with a thud. Great, I fell out of bed.

Groaning, I lift myself off of the ground and throw the blanket I took down with me, onto my bed. Why is it always when I'm sleeping so good that I proceed to fall out of bed? God knows why. Looking towards my clock I see that it's 8:12 in the morning.

Sighing I make my bed, making sure it's perfect. Today was a gloomy Saturday morning, just like my soul.

I walk to the bathroom and jump when I see my reflection. I looked like a zombie, just like every time I wake up.

I decide to hop in the shower, so I no longer look like a dying corpse. Slowly, I turn the faucet of the shower, letting water run through the shower head. I strip from my clothing and step under the water. As I'm washing myself my hand grazes over my private area, reminding me of the moment Harry and I shared the other day.

After washing myself, I step out of the shower and dry my body. I slip on my under garments and put a brown tank top on, paired with some leggings.

When I finish drying my hair, I hear my phone go off. I shuffle back into my room and search around for the tiny device. I reveal it from under the blanket.

My fingers type in the passcode rather quickly and click the message app.

Harry: Haven't heard from you in a while. Want to grab breakfast?

I'm not sure if I should accept his offer. Ever since he said 'I  can't take away all of your innocence' I've been trying to figure out what exactly he meant. All the thinking has made me realize I shouldn't be having this sexual kind of lust towards Harry, as he shouldn't be either. This isn't right, he's an older man. But he's someone I can't hold myself back from.

Me: Sure.

It seems like only after a second I sent that, his reply came in.

Harry: I'll be there in 20.

Peering at the time above the text message, I see that he'll be here around 8:40. Tossing my phone back onto my bed, I comb out my hair.

Sitting at my vanity, I decide to stick with a minimal amount of makeup today. I apply some mascara and chapstick. Checking the time once again, it's now 8:37. I pick out some socks from my drawer, putting them on. Right after I put my white converse on, followed by me retrieving my phone from the bed and walking downstairs.

My dad sits on the couch, half asleep looking exhausted with the TV silently blaring a tv show. I decide to leave him a note on my whereabouts, so I don't have to wake him up to tell him now.

My phone screen flashes with a message across it. I read it, seeing it's from Harry saying he's here. I grab my house key and open the door revealing Harry looking sexy as ever.

Quietly I shut the door behind me.

"You look stunning love," he pauses and reveals a bouquet of roses from behind his back, handing them to me.

Heat rushes to my cheeks; I've never experienced any kind of whatever this is between Harry and I. "Thank you, Harry."

He guides me to the passenger side of his car and takes off.

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