54 1 0

- Melrose Faye -

My eyes peel open and I immediately tense at the unfamiliar bed and bedroom. I'm so used to waking up in my room, that I completely forgot that I had stayed the night at Harry's place.

I try and move my body towards the edge of the bed to get up, only to realize a strong pair of arms are wrapped around me. My head turns to look at Harry in a deep slumber, with a few strands of his curly hair in his face. I smile at the sight, he looked so innocent. He didn't look like the scary man I encountered last night.

Last night.

I would have never even thought that Harry would go to that extreme. I get that I basically am leading Harry on by letting all of these sexual things happen between us, but I didn't sign up for punishment.

That brings another thought to my mind, how long is this complicated relationship, or should I say, fuck buddy act going to go on for? Now that I think about it, I've always looked over another reason as to why he takes such interest in a plain girl like me.

He may just being using me for his own pleasure; like a toy. A frown forms on my face just thinking about that. Harry wouldn't do that, would he?

"Good morning baby," a raspy voice speaks, making me jump slightly.

"Good morning," I laugh and see him retract his arms from my waist and get out of bed.

My stomach drops; I forgot about Aspen. I practically fall out of bed as I run to my jeans that lie on the floor and slip them on. My phone is pulled out from the front pocket, and I press the unlock button.

Oh god.

45 missed calls, 76 text messages, 14 voice mails.

Most are from Aspen, and some belonging to some other people that eat lunch with us, including Axel.

"No, no, no," I mumble as I scroll through my messages.

Millions of messages like 'where are you?!' and 'answer the phone!' flood my phone. I feel a presence over my shoulder, and I quickly hide my phone, clutching it towards my chest and facing Harry.

"What's wrong?" He asks, concern showing in the features of his face.

"I was supposed to go with Aspen after the party."

"So? Just tell her you're with me."

My eyes divert to the floor as I speak quietly, "She wouldn't like that."

Silence is present before he finally speaks, "What do you mean? Why wouldn't she like you being with me?"

"Well y-you know, you're kind of–" I pause, nervously picking at my jeans. "You're older than me."

"Well if she has a fucking problem she can say it to my face," Harry replies, and I can tell his patience is wearing thin as we have this conversation.

"Harry just–" I start but he gives me a look.

"I mean, daddy. Daddy please calm down."

He seems to calm after I correct myself, and he walks closer to me. "I'm gonna go shower and change. I'll bring you to your friends house after, okay?"

I nod, "Thank you."

He gives me a small smile and disappears into the bathroom. The sound of water sprouting out of the shower head is heard and I sit back on his bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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