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- Melrose Faye -

It's been weeks since I've had contact with Harry. Many thoughts have gone through my head. But I realized I shouldn't be stressing over something that was purely a joke. A joke to him. I didn't think I was this stupid. I should know when a guy just wants to get into your pants. What proves that whatever we had was nothing, was that he didn't ever try and come to my house and see what was going on. I found it disappointing but it reassures me that he won't be in my life any longer.

Today was a beautiful sunny day, and it boosted my mood for this Monday. I'm currently in class, reading from my textbook and taking down vocabulary words along with the definitions. Lunch would be taking place right after this. Really the only thing that ever excited me about coming to school was hanging out with the group of people who I am now proud to call my friends.

Thinking back to when my only friend was Aspen, I never would have thought this other side of me would come out. I realized I wasn't just a complete irrelevant nerd trying to finish high school. I am a person who is capable of more than what I used to think.

The sound of the bell for dismissal to lunch brings me out of my thoughts. I rose up from my seat, closing my binder and heading outside of the classroom towards my locker. The lock on my locker opens as I enter the combination. As I place my binder into my locker, I see someone from my peripheral vision approaching me. Shutting my locker, I lock it back up and turn. I'm surprised to see Axel.

"Hey Mel," He smiles.

"Hey?" I laugh, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Oh right – you're probably wondering why I came to your locker." He says awkwardly.


"Well I wanted to ask if I could maybe have your number, so maybe we could hang out sometime?" He says as he puts his arm behind his neck out of worry.

This wouldn't be so bad right?
"Sure, I'd like that."

He mumbles an 'okay' and hands me his phone so I can type my number in it.

"We should get to lunch now, the others are probably wondering where we are." I say, gesturing him to follow me.

As we walk into the cafeteria I spot my friends and make my way to their table.

"Mel! Why are you late to lunch?" Aspen questions, looking at Axel who is still behind me.

Axel decides to speak up, "I just was talking to her earlier. No big deal."

Aspen starts imitating someone sucking dick and winks at me. I break out into a fit of laughter and smack her shoulder. She laughs along with me and holds onto her stomach.

"We're at school Aspen don't be such a nasty ass." I giggle.

"Don't be such a prude!" She smirks.

Closing the front door of my house behind me, I see my dad in the kitchen going through the fridge then pulling out a bottle of water.

"Hey Dad!" I smile, rushing towards him and embracing him in a hug.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?"

"I'm great thanks, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm tired, work always seems to take all of the energy out of me."

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