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"He was one of us before he arrived. We have not broke the treaty." Carlisle came next to me along with everyone except Edward.

"He drinks human blood." Sam motioned to his eyes.

"He is changing his feeding habit to stay with Theo. He will not feed from any humans."

"I'd like to hear him say that." I could feel Riley's chest rising and falling quickly in anger.

"I will not feed from any humans, but I can't promise the same for any dogs." One of Sam's wolves let out a savage growl, going to leap at Riley. Sam held out his arm to keep him at bay.

"Mind your threats. Not all of us are as calm headed as others."

"I can take care of myself. I don't need some alpha to keep his pups under control." Riley's growl earned more from the pack including Sam.

"Watch your mate, Cullen, or your time together won't be forever." This time I let go of my own growl.

"You disgusting mutts can go chase your tails better than you can hold that threat." Riley seethed. He moved forward before I grabbed his arms to keep him back.

"Theo, why don't you two go back. We'll  take care of the rest of this." Esme ushered us away before anything both sides would regret happened.

As I held Riley's hand on our way back to make sure he didn't make a dash, it would unclench and clench as anger radiated off of him.

"Riley, you need to calm down."

"He had no right to say that to you."

"I agree, but Sam didn't even believe it as he said it. He'd be risking everything his ancestors set up with us." He seemed to slightly relax as I explained Sam's empty threat.

"Which is what exactly?"

"The first time we came to Forks we made a treaty with the tribe here."

"You've been here more than once?" I nodded.

"We come back once there's been enough time for people not to recognize us."

"What places have you been to?" I smiled up at him.

"A story for another time, love." His face lighted as he nodded. "Our treaty states that we can stay in Forks as long as we don't kill any humans and we stay on our side of the territory. I'll have to show you exactly where that is as well so they don't have anymore reasons for a fight."

"Why did you have to explain to him that I was already a vampire? That you didn't change me yourself?"

"If any member of my family were to turn a human it would be equivalent to killing them since we're no longer alive in technical terms."

"Is that why he hasn't changed the girl?" I shook my head.

"The pack is only a small danger in Edward's eyes when it comes to turning Bella. He, like pretty much all of us, are old fashioned and still believe in certain morals that have been lost."

"Such as?"

"Sex before marriage." He looked at me in disbelief.

"You mean in the past 100 years you haven't had sex?" I nodded.

"When I was human I thought it was wrong to have sex with someone you didn't see spending the rest of your life with, like many others during the time. Then when I was turned I found out about mates and the belief only became stronger."

"You saved yourself...for me." I could tell he could sense the hurt I felt at the knowledge that he didn't do the same. "You've tried to save my life twice and I haven't even been able to save my virginity for you."

"Riley, don't. Times are different now. Sex isn't seen as such a valued and special action anymore." He threw out his arms.

"But it's special to you!"

"Because that's who I am, Riley. You probably had sex long before we even met." At my statement his face went slack and he took a step back. I did the same in realization of the truth. "Victoria was your first." I gripped my shirt in my hands to be able to hold onto something.

"Theo... I didn't...it wasn't anything. It didn't mean anything." He went to touch my face, but I pulled back.

"It didn't mean anything to you or to her.?"

"It doesn't mean anything to me now."

"But it did, Riley! It meant everything." I took more steps back as he tried to stop me. "I'm going to go somewhere for awhile. You can go back to the house."

"Theo, please don't be disappointed." I shook my head.

"I'm not disappointed in you. I'm disappointed in myself for putting such importance into something I'd share when the one I'd be sharing it with couldn't do the same." I turned my back to him and began to walk away.

"It did mean a lot to me when it happened!" I stopped. "Because it was important for me to try and forget you, but even when I tried to forget I only thought about you more. The entire time I only thought about you. I guess that's why I didn't stop because even with how much I wanted to forget, my memories were the only things I was holding onto." I turned to fully face him. "That doesn't keep me from being incredibly regretful about it, Theo. Every minute I'll live, I will regret it." I took quick steps toward him. He didn't move as I placed my hands against both sides of his face, pulling him in until our lips touched. I felt his hands grab my waist, tugging me flush against him. His lips were so soft and just the perfect size. Not too thin and not too plump to where they would engulf my own. His movements became faster and tougher. I slowly departed my lips from his.

"It's not supposed to be this easy. Relationships aren't supposed to be this easy."

"I wouldn't call our relationship most."


"They finally made it official!" I turned my attention away from the piano keys and to Alice.

"What are you talking about, Alice?" Rose tossed the magazine she was reading onto the table.

"We're finally getting another wedding in the family." Bella agreed. "Come on they're just in the driveway now." I went to follow everyone to meet Edward and Bella before slender arms softly tugged me back onto the bench.

"You're not going anywhere until you finish the song."

"It's a six minute song." I looked up at him with a smile.

"We have much more time to spare than only six minutes, love."

Two years ago

"No, not that one." I smile as I helped Riley quite his fingers to the right notes. He was getting it until his ring finger loudly thumped on one of the keys.

"I'm done." I can't do this anymore." He got up from the piano bench, beginning to walk out of the room. I turned back to the piano, laying my hands over the keys. My fingers effortlessly started to play on their own. Through the years I was honestly surprised the amount of songs I've learned to play hadn't simply got scrambled together. They stayed consistent since day one. I took notice to the sound of Riley's footsteps stopping. I continued to play until the song was over. When I finished, I turned back around only for lips to clasp onto mine. I smiled into the kiss.

"You are so beautiful in every single possible way." I ran my index finger across his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you. Always."



I'm so sorry this update took so long, but the past month has been so busy with school and good work means good college 👍🏼(fml) but anyways I hope you like this chapter and thank you to everyone who has been commenting and voting. It's what keeps my motivation to continue writing x

Tell Me It's Forever || Riley BiersWhere stories live. Discover now