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The night brought a cold breeze through the streets. Only a handful of people still wandered the city as I pulled my coat tighter against my body.
Two blocks away from my family's house was when I heard multiple pairs of footsteps behind me. Without a thought I quickened my pace, knowing what the city could be like at this time of night. Soon I felt a cold metal press against my exposed neck.

"Give us your purse and we won't shoot." I won't ever forget his voice. Husky, low, but shaky.

"And your jewelry. All of it." A separate voice. Younger, but still the same hesitation. The grip on my purse gave up as one of them took it from my grasp. I slowly brought my unsteady hands to the pendant around my neck and took it off along with my rings and bracelet. I let out my hand for one of them to be quick and take it all.

"Hold this, while I look at what we got." The man holding the gun gestured for one of the others to take it. During the transfer of the weapon a loud bang went off. It wasn't how I expected a bullet to feel like. I thought I would be screaming out in pain for something was piercing through my body, but nothing.

"What did you do?!" I lost track of how many voices there were and who was who.

"I didn't pull anything! It just went off!" My hands went down to my abdomen, feeling the warm blood cover my skin. My body went weak as I fell to the ground.

"We need to go before anyone comes."

"We can't just leave her bleeding to death." My eyesight was blurring. I didn't know if from the wound or the unshed tears in my eyes.

"There's no time. If we stay any longer we'll be arrested for sure." The debate on what to do was finished as I could hear the sound of their fleeting footsteps. It was quiet after that besides the harsh intakes of my breath. I could feel more and more blood surround me. I was going to die in a pool of my blood. On the street because of a robbery gone wrong. More footsteps could be heard then. Light and more quiet. A silhouette came into view above me. Though I couldn't see a clear picture of their face, I could make out a male and platinum blond hair.

"I'm so very sorry for what has happened. No life should be taken in such a way." His voice was utterly calming and smooth. "I do wish to tell you that I'm doing this to help you. To take away the pain you feel now and forever. It will hurt once I begin, but will soon be only a bad memory." My mind couldn't concentrate on what he was saying from all the blood loss. I couldn't concentrate on a single thing until a sharp pain pierced through my neck and flowed through my entire body.
That fall night in the street of the city I was born became the place that I died. The place that I left my human self and was reborn.

Tell Me It's Forever || Riley BiersWhere stories live. Discover now