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"Theo, I love you, I really do, but I want to hit you so hard right now that you'll feel it for the rest of eternity

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"Theo, I love you, I really do, but I want to hit you so hard right now that you'll feel it for the rest of eternity."  Can't say she took the news too well. "Do you know how much this changes things? I won't be able to get half the people on such short notice."

"I know, I know, but I honestly don't care who is and isn't there. You guys are all here and you're the main people I want to be there with me. I just want to marry him, Alice." Her demeanor softened. Instead of the firm glare that sat on her face since I told her about the change she gave me her signature Alice smile.

"Good thing we already have your dress." My arms wrapped around her small frame to bring her into a hug. "But if you guys try to sneak a peek of each other before the ceremony, I really am going to to hit you."


"How's everything going?"

"None of your concern." I looked up at Rose through the mirror.

"It's my wedding, Rose." She nodded absentmindedly as she twisted my hair into a braid.

"I know, but you shouldn't have to think about the small details. That's what we're all here for." I smiled up at her and watched silently as she continued her work. Soon we both turned to multple pairs of feet walking through the hall towards us. Three women waltzed into the room, all sets of  golden eyes landed on me and Rose at the vanity. I couldn't help the light squeal that escaped my lips, quickly stood up, and ran to pull them all in a hug.

"How are you guys here?"

"Alice told us about the schedule change and we found a flight right away." Tanya pulled away with a toothy smirk. "Just couldn't wait any longer could you?" With a chuckle I shook my head. 

"I don't blame you, you've been waiting for this for so long." I held onto Kate's hand and gave a squeeze in thanks.

"I still didn't expect you guys to make it in such short notice." Carmen gave a soft scoff with a roll of her eyes.

"We are family, Theo. We wouldn't miss it for the world." If my eyes could produce tears, they'd be freely flowing down my face. Suddenly realizing the absence of one Denali member, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Where's Irina?" The girl's expressions crumpled a bit at the mention of her.

"She wanted to come for you, but didn't want to risk another encounter with the wolves." I nodded in understanding. 

"Before the entire mood gets depressing," Alice disappeared into the closet before reemerging with my dress on a hanger, "it's dress time." She unzipped the dress cover as I stepped out of my robe and walked towards the awaiting fabric. My eyes caught my reflection in the mirror when Alice had all the buttons on the back secured. Every detail was perfect. Every embellishment and embroidery. My admiring was cut short when a few knocks sounded off the door. We all turned to the open doorway in question before Riley's voice sounded from around the corner. 

"I know I'm not supposed to be here, but I haven't seen her so I'm technically not breaking any rules." I laughed at his added comment that everyone knew was directed at Alice. "Hi, beautiful." I could sense the smile on his face as he spoke.

"Riley, you're already testing my patience by not listening to me so I suggest you get to the point as to why you're here or I'll drag your ass back to where you're supposed to be myself." He let out a sound that was close to a snort.

"As if. I just want to talk to her. Alone if that's alright." The Denali's were the most willing to leave the room, soon followed by a pestering Rose and Alice. I rested my back against the wall closest to the door. 

"Everything alright?"

"More than alright. I just..um..I..." I can count on one hand how many times Riley has been nervous and most of them were when he was human.

"Ri, just tell me."

"I couldn't stand being away from you for another minute. I at least needed to hear your voice." A smile grew across my face. I reached my hand out around the wall until I felt the cool skin of his hand. He instantly wrapped his fingers around my own. "I know it's kind of ridiculous, but I can't help it. I feel like I'm transitioning all over again the longer I'm not by you."

"Wow separation anxiety much?" He gave a warning squeeze to my hand. "I know, love, but from this day on you're going to be seeing a lot of me whether you like it or not."

"Like it's possible that I couldn't like it."

"Hmm are you sure? I can get pretty cranky when I'm hungry and all the baby talk when I'm around Renesmee can get annoying." 

"I can think of a few ways to shut you up." I knew he had that sexy smirk on his face.

"Care to elaborate on that very broad statement?" He let out a dramatic gasp.

"Darling, that's not very pure of you to be thinking such thoughts on you're wedding day. I don't think you should be wearing white." A beat passed before he counteracted his "Holy criticism". "Or you could just wear nothing at all." I couldn't help the laugh I let out at his suggestion.

"Slow down there, bud." I quietly turned my head around the edge of the doorway to inch my mouth closer to his ear. "Save something for tonight." 


First of all, I am incredibly sorry for how long it's been since I updated this story. They're overused excuses, but I have been extremely busy and when I did try to write I could barely get out a sentence. I can't say when I'll update again, but I at least wanted to get something up. Much love xx

(P.S. we've hit over 7k!!)

(P.P.S here's Theo's dress if anyone's interested in what I picture it being http://www.zuhairmurad.com/en/bridal-Spring-1#0 . I'll include the veil in the ceremony chapter :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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