Ahh Babies~

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Allllright lets see what i can do.....dont judge meh plz


Evan's Pov

Mama was driving us to our favorite park too play in. I always loved the seesaw and the swings. They always made me feel like I was a real flying owl.

"Alright sweetie were here!" Mama said as she parked the car.

I jumped out the car and we walked to playground. "Okay My baby owl go on ahead and play, I'll be right over here."

I ran for the parks Seesaw and saw a kid with a teddy bear sitting by himself. Behind him there were some kids throwing the chipper pieces at him.
"Hey leave him alone! He didnt do anything to you guys!" I screamed as they started running away.

The kid sat there hugging his teddy bear and looking at the floor. I walked over to him.

"Hi. My name is Evan." I said as i reached out my hand.

He looked at me and then my hand. "This is were your supposed to tell me hi back, and shake my hand" I told him

"Hi....my names johnathan and this is my teddy bear" He said and grabbed my hand.

"Well Johnathan its nice to have someone to play with on the seesaw you know?" I said as i sat in front of him

"no one wants to play with me because im scary..." He told me holding his teddy bear harder.

"You dont look scary to me...you look like a really cute person" i said "let me see try growlying....you know say 'grr'"

"grr......" Johnathan looked at me. "yeah thats not scary thats cute..like your teddy bear" i told him.

I got up and sat on the other side of the seesaw. "Just go up and down and then it gets fun" We played on the seesaw for a little bit and i stopped.

"Hey Johnathan!" I screamed.


"Lets go to the swings and ill push you!" i said as i got up


We went on a swing and i started pushing him. Through the whole day we played together. Just me and Johnathan

I grabbed his hand and said "Come on ill show you to my mommy!" He looked at me and said "okay"

We ran over to where mommy was sitting. "Mommy look i made a friend!" I said as i ran up to her still holding his hand.

"Oh really? Whats your name honey?" She said looking at Johnathan "m-my name is johnathan...and this is teddy bear"
He said and she looked at me

"Hes so adorable Evan..but its time for us to go..." She said and i hugged Johnathan

"But i wanna play with Johnathan mama! I dont wanna leave!" I held him and looked at mommy

"Oh how about we ask his mommy if he could come over? Then you can play at the house!" She said

"Okay Johnathan wheres your mommy?" I asked him

"Shes sitting over there with daddy" He said pointing towards a bench

TIme skip

"Were here boys!" mommy helped us out of the car and we went inside

All day i played with Johnathan. I let him play with my toys and i showed him my owl bear.

Johnathan and i got tired and fell asleep on the couch. Then mommy woke us up to eat some sandwiches

When it turned night time Johnathan had to leave. "Bye Evan thank you for being my friend"

I ran up and hugged him "Promise me you'll come back to play"

"Yeah! and then we can be friends forever" He said as he left"

End of flashback

"You remember that right,Johnathan?" I told the tombstone i was sitting by

"You still have that teddy bear and we even got married I hope you like heaven maybe when i go soon you can show me around just like at the park" I looked at the stone and kissed it.

"i love you and you better show me around when i get there alright?" i said tearing up and hugging the bear and the stone.

" ill see you soon baby okay? Dont forget me okay?" i said sitting down again next to it.

  Later months passed by and Evan passed away and got buried next to his lover...

"Evan.....come on i got to show you around"

"im coming John im coming!"

"hey look!,your just as a owl..you can fly and you got wings"

"and i got my sexy teddy bear back too....i love Johnathan" i said as i kissed him

"i love you too Evan!" he said as he kissed back

I am so sorry i turned the page to this i almost cried reading over but anyways i hope you like it and if i made anyone cry im sorry!

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