Want You Pt.1

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[These dreams are becoming weird as fuck and im just gonna write em here...have fun]

"So 'Vanoss' what are you going to do with all that money you just earned?" Wildcat asked outta the blue

Vanoss had just came back from a job for $800,000,000 and still shared that shit with his friends to be left with $8,675,210. With this he didn't know what to do with them actually.

"I don't know" he said as he got a five kill combo

"How could you not know what to do with that shit? You could go travel" Wildcat suggested

"Already did, you guys went with me!" He exclaimed while picking up some random guy in the game

"Drinking? Buy the airports? Go camping?" Wildcat started spitting out ideas

"Every Saturday, Own 5 already, Planning that for November." Vanoss threw the ideas down the drain

"What about opening a club?" Wildcat suggested once more

"I-" he cut himself off

Now that he thought about it, he never did open his own club...although that would make his Saturdays better..

"You got me Wildcat...I haven't opened a fucking club..yeah let's do it" Vanoss said as his character died.

"Well then let's go, I'll get Mini to call everyone together so we can set up and get this place kicking" Wildcat grabbed his phone and started dialing some numbers

"Right while your doing that I'll take Moo, Lui and Delirious to help with the inside" Vanoss started a three way call

Time skip to the bloody street

"What are doing here again?" Del asked while yawning

Vanoss being irritated that Del didn't sleep "we're gonna start a club and you guys ate helping me with he interior design"

The whoops of cheer made Vanoss know that his friends were happy with the idea, Making him happy

"Oh but first, we need a changes of clothes cause you haven't changed since the heist" Moo suggested

"Look at Delirious he hasn't changed since our first heist" Lui started busting out laughing

"Right then let's get started" Running into the store the bois started stuffing through the clothes trying to see what would satisfy Moo into thinking they were suitable enough to call themselves the owners of a club.

Moo knowing his look was great as it was bought a shirt of the same color and some jeans.

Lui liking Moos style, brought a baggy style sweater of the same color, a black shirt, and a pair of black slacks

Vanoss already knowing the style he wanted brought his famous 'thug owl' suit with the company of some new gold chains to fit the style of running a club.

Delirious on the other hand...was having some trouble, because he for one didn't want to be too flashy but didn't want to hear Moos constant rambling on fashion.

So he was dubbed the last one to find clothes for the occasion.

"What about this? This seems great" he said as he wore his rave costume

"Oh yeah I guess" Moo looked at the suit a bit sideways.

"No" Vanoss jumped in "your not wearing that to my club"

After at least 12 more changes of some clothes, Vanoss was started to give up hope the Blue Dube.

Delirious on the other hand tried on a blue button up flannel, blue jeans, and some blue converse.

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