When we were together

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Im not saying anything

"Hey buddy how you doing?" Evan asked through the speaker of my phone

"Not much you know just resting really." I said back.

"Hey why don't we hang out bitch?" He said as I laughed

"Alright fucker where?" I ask wanting to know

"How about that park you like? You know the one with the big hill and the park" he says

"Sure...Ill see ya there" I hang up.

That was our first date...Well we didn't know until he kissed me under the oak tree that stood next to the Grillers.

It was great for 5 years straight. The best 5 years of my life actually. I thought everything was going great,but I was wrong.

It was just a normal old day. I had just got out of work and was on my way home.Evan always got there first his job didn't take as much time as mine. Although today was Wednesday and my work ended early.

I just wanted to go home and hug my giant owl bear like always, but today he seemed to have other plans.I unlocked the door to our house and screamed to Evan that I was home.

He didn't answer so I started looking around. I went upstairs and checked in the rooms. In our room I heard his moans. Of course thinking he was materbating. I had my hand on the handel ready to give my bear the time of his life when I heard a girl's moan as well.

Porno. I thought not trying to think of the worst...But when I opened that door I saw my bear, My HugglePuff, with some random bitch on him. I couldn't believe it.

"JOHNATHAN...Your home early" he said while covering up.

"What,......The.....Fuck" I said trying to hold my tears.

"Jon I can explain." He said while putting his pants on

I held my voice in and let him speak. "She-..She forced me." He gave out that bullshit excuse.

"Oh she forced you huh?.. Although you were on top but oh she forced you huh fucker!" I said slapping him.

"I thought you loved me you dick! No you know what! Fine bitch have him. You guys can fuck all you want on this bed because I'm not gonna cry for some low life like you!" I said grabbing my teddy bear and heading for the door

"Wait no I swear Jon I love you" Evan grabbed my hand and tried to stop me

"By the way your the 2nd one to do this to me" I said walking out and driving off.

Now here I am at his wedding with that girl he fucked with. I can't be angry at him really. Although Cartoonz thinks its still fucked up he invited me. I don't mind. As much as he took a chunk of my heart away I can still be happy for him.

Though I still wish this was my wedding with him. Evan was my second boyfriend and now that I think about it his was the best. Although he cheated on me I never stopped being his friend even though I wanted to pull him apart

I never stayed with him on Skype. I went back and got all my stuff. I did take his bear that he gave just because you know free teddy bear. I do talk to him and we hang out just not only anymore.

They gave there vows and kissed. I got up and cheered like everyone else. Then went to the bar because I need my drink. Though this was a mistake I took. He came up and talked to me alone.

"You know I never stopped loving you Jon." He mumbled

"You know that only works when you actually love some one right?" I said dropping a 20

"I wanna be with you Jon.,I miss you" He said again grabbing my hand.

I let go and got up "that only worked when we were together...After you cheated...The word relationship wasn't made for us...You have a wife and you lost me" I said

"You know you were my most bes-" he tried and I cut him off

"Were not together anymore Evan..And we never will again...Don't ruin her life to...All these things you say only worked when we were together..That's not a thing anymore and you fucked me up....Just leave me alone"

I walked off and even when he called for me back I got in my car rolled my window down and shouted "Happy for your wedding!!" As I drove away I never looked back.

"It was only when we were together that I loved you Evan."

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