Chapter 21

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I know what you're thinking... 8 1/2 months is too long to wait for the next chapter (that's how long it's been). And I'm here to say that I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention for it to be so long since the last update. Unfortunately, this is just a filler chapter, maybe to help with the feels, however you take it, I hope you enjoy it.

I had some pretty major writer's block and zero inspiration, so instead of writing a shitty chapter, I took the gamble and waited until I could think of what (or how) to write next. I got busy, and ended up pushing OTSB to the side - until recently. I graduated from high school, and now I'm in my first year of university with 7 courses this semester to boot.

I know this break causes a lot of reader's to stop reading, and that's unfortunate, but I'm thankful for those of you who have decided to stay. I'm going to be honest - I have no clue when the next update will be, I'm just going to run with it and see how it goes. I have one week of classes left, and then I have exams, so I won't be updating for at least another month, but I will try to do some writing during Christmas break.

Thanks for your patience guys, I love each and every one of you for your dedication. Now enjoy the following chapter! :)

Xx Emily

Chapter 21


I must have fallen asleep shortly after Payton, because I woke up to my mom shaking me awake.

"Should I wake her? Or will she be ok to stay here?" She speaks quietly, probably to trying to not wake Payton just yet. I take a look at the clock on the wall behind my mom, then I just shake my head.

"She can stay in my room; I'll sleep on the couch." She raises her eyebrows at me with a smirk on her face before nodding her head. I yawn before standing up, then turn to carefully – and slowly – pick her up off the couch.

I feel her body shiver, so I pull her closer into me to try to keep her a little warmer, though her body seems to curl into mine even more. I smile a little at her as I climb up the stairs to my room. The door creaks a little as I push it open, making me wince a little... I don't want to wake her up and have it be even more awkward than it already is between the two of us.

I clutch her body to tighter to mine in order to pull back the covers – thank god I washed the sheets yesterday – and then I gently set her down in the middle of the bed before pulling off her shoes. I pull the blankets up to her chin and she immediately curls up into a ball, as if by reflex. I laugh a little before going over to my closet and grabbing an extra blanket, hoping it will help to warm her up. I like to keep my room colder in general, mainly because I'll get too hot when I try to sleep, so I understand that she would be cold.

I make a move to leave, but then I watch her there for a moment. Her hair has started to fall out of the bun she had tied it up into before we started the movie, with some of the pieces stuck in her long eyelashes and lips. Her breathing is slow and even, and she has a look of peacefulness on her face. With her body all curled up, she looks so small and pale compared to the dark sheets of my king sized bed.

I sit very slowly, on the very edge of the bed, beside her, and as lightly as possible, I push the hair out of her face, and behind her ear. I let my fingers trail down to her chin, letting them linger for a few seconds before starting to pull away. Her hand slowly comes out from underneath the covers, grabbing my fingers.

I laugh a little when she quietly whispers, "You're a heater. Stay."

Slowly, I lower myself down beside her under the covers, trying to leave a little distance, but still keep her warm.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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