Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


            I woke up to the steady sound of beeping. It was annoying. Slowly, I opened my eyes and found myself in a white room, on a white bed, with my mom on a chair, sleeping. Her hair messy and frazzled, more than it normally is when she's sleeping.

            The door slowly creaks open, revealing my dad and Emma. I smile at them and then put my finger to my lips signaling to be quiet because mom was still sleeping. Emma came up to me and gave me a hug. I had to stifle a laugh at her outfit though. Dad doesn't really have... well, he isn't very good at picking out outfits, for a boy or for a girl. Mom always puts his outfits together, he was so horrid at it.

            Emma had on a light yellow t-shirt, green pants with paint splatters on them. One of her converse shoes was black and the other was a red and grey striped pair. You can tell that dad let her pick out her shoes, probably her outfit too. She liked to mismatch things, and mom let her, as long as she looked presentable. Her hair was thrown into a horrible ponytail, and I knew that dad did it, because Emma can at least do ponytails, I mean, she's 9 for Pete's sake.

            Dad was just wearing a pair of blue jeans and a light blue t-shirt with a few small holes in them. At least he had matching shoes. His hair was brushed, but it was still messy and windswept.

            "When's mommy going to wake up?" Emma asked me quietly.

            "I don't know Em. She had a long night last night though." I reply to her, grinning slightly when she purses her lips. She looks like a fish when she does that, and I find it kind funny.

            "Why are you here Kyle?" She asked another question. I looked at her before answering.

            "One of my... Friends got hurt last night and I ran all the way home to get mom and then I ran halfway to the hospital, and I was really tired after that, that the doctors wanted to make sure I was ok." I smile at her as I say this. It's partially true.

            "Oh... Is your friend ok?" She asked yet another question. I frowned slightly. I didn't know if she was ok or not.

            "I think she will be." I finally decide to tell her, and she just nods.

            "Can... Can I meet her?"

            "Yeah, I think Payton would like that if she's awake. I'll just make sure dad's ok with it." I look up at him and he just shrugs.

            "It couldn't hurt I guess, but I'll stay here with your mother in case she wakes up and wonders where you are." He says and I smile. Emma and Payton will probably get along well. I've seen Payton around kids sometimes, and she's amazing with them.

            "Let's go then." I say.


            After asking the lady at the front desk for directions to Payton's room, we finally find the her room on the third floor.

            I let Emma go into the room in front of me. When I walk in, I see Payton's body lying against the white sheets, her body nearly the same colour. Her eyes are open and large as she takes me in. Confusion is plain in her features, probably because she doesn't know how she got here.

            "HI! I'm Emma, Kyle's sister!" Emma pushes her hand forward as a sign of greeting. It's obvious that Payton is taken by surprise because it takes her a moment to recover before she places her hand inside of Emma's.

            "My name's Payton. I'm a… friend of Kyle." Her eyes flit to mine for only a moment before they go back to resting on Emma.

            "Are you okay? Kyle was really worried about you. He came into the house really, really early in the morning, yelling for mommy and daddy. He was really loud and he woke me up." Emma tells her, as I try to hush her before she tells Emma something that isn't true.

            "Well, it's nice to know that Kyle cares about me enough to wake you up from your beauty sleep." She looks like she's trying to hold in a laugh as she looks at me.

            I can tell that these two will get a long completely fine.

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