Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I quickly led Emma back to the room that mom and dad were in and then told her to play with dad because I had to go and get something. That, of course, was a lie. I knew that Payton wouldn't give me the answers that I needed to know who did this to her, so I did the one thing that I knew would piss her off the most. I eavesdropped on her conversation with the doctor.

I got to the room in time to hear the beginning of her story.

Two years ago, I started dating one of the guys on my school's football team. His name was Luke Fortis.

I already knew this, so I sat down beside the door and waited for her to continue.

Luke was nice and did amazing things for me in the beginning. He planned special dates, and never let anyone say anything bad about me. We were happy together, as a couple. It was the school football team's best year yet, and he believed that I was his good luck charm because I went and watched every game, and he always said that he could hear me cheering over everyone else, because no one had such a beautiful voice. For the first ten or eleven months, what we had was the best thing I could have ever imagined for.

It totally changed, didn't it, Payton? I don't ever remember him wanting to do anything special for you. Not like I wanted to do for you. He was the one who said bad things about you, and you let him walk all over you, and for what? You were our good luck charm, no matter what he said, and how can you imagine that you had the best thing you had only imagined for? He was your first boyfriend. You didn't have anything else to compare it to.

I knew just about everything about her. I was freaking in love with her for Pete's sake. I knew who I wanted and it was her, not some other random girl like some of the other guys on the football team hooked up with. I want you, Payton, but you don't want me.

And then something changed along the way.

And this is what I remember. This "Change" you call it. I remember everything after it, crystal clear.

It was like a switch had been turned off in his head, and that I was the reason for all of his problems. I still went to watch their games, but they had started to lose, and he blamed it on me. We no longer went on dates, he no longer did nice things. I had just figured that it was because he was having problems or something at home.

You wouldn't ever be the reason for my problems, I'd never let you be. You weren't the reason we lost all those games. It was his fault because he was always talking about his next lay while we were on the field. Always talking about what happened when he would cheat on you. I knew he cheated, I knew and I never told you. should have so that you wouldn't be in this horrible mess. I know you better than that. You knew that if he had problems at home, he would have told you. It was because he wanted sex, rough, painful sex. With you. And it wasn't fair. For you, or for me.

Then one day, we went to a party together, and we hooked up. It was my first time, and he knew it, but it didn't matter to him, he was rough anyways. He didn't care that he was hurting me, and he realized too late that he had forgotten to put on protection.

Please don't tell me that this actually happened! Where the hell was I when this happened. I know you. You'd never get an abortion. You aren't that type of person. I know that. So where was the baby, Payton? What did he do? I wanted to scream out at her, but I knew she would stop talking immediately if she knew I was listening. So, I had to calm down, I knew that I had to. Taking deep breaths, I continued to listen to her.

A month later, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I told him I wasn't going to get an abortion, that I would keep it. He said that I would do no such thing. After another 2 months, I went for the first ultrasound, just to make sure everything would be alright. Everything was, and when I came back home, Luke was sitting on my house porch waiting for me. I hadn't told him where I was going, because it wasn't his business to know. He wasn't the one who was going to have the baby, I was, so I didn't think I should have to tell him.

Oh my god. Payton. You were 16 and pregnant? I don't like where this story is headed, but you're right. He didn't need to know where you were. It was your own business and he should respect that and give you some space. But I think that we both know that he won't do that. No, he'll just keep pressing until he gets what he wants, or he'll just make it happen himself, simply because he believes that he holds that type of power. That's just the type of person that he is. You and I both know that. At least, I'd hope you would have known that.

But when I walked up to him, and said hi, he demanded to know where I was. I said that it didn't matter, and that was when he slapped me across the face for the first time. I was hurt, but figured that he was just mad that I didn't tell him where I was. But I was wrong.

You should have known better, Payton.

When I was 5 months into the pregnancy, he beat me, killing the baby. He made me dispose of my child myself, making me give birth to a dead child and then making me bury in it the ground. I never knew anyone could be so cruel as to do that to someone.

My eyes slide shut as I feel the sorrow in her voice. No one should ever have to do that. It's too heartbreaking. No one should kill an unborn child, not before they have a chance to fight for themselves. I can't imagine her, having to give birth to a dead child and then having to - no, being forced to - bury the child that hadn't even had the chance to live yet.

I wanted to break up with him after that, but he showed me a gun that he keeps in his room and threatened to kill me and my family if I left him, or if I told anyone about what he had done. So, I had to lie to my parents and say that I had a miscarriage. So I stayed with him and endured the pain of him beating and raping me, just so that my family could stay completely safe, even if I wasn't.

You should have gone to the police, Payton. You're supposed to be smarter than this. You're smart in school, why can't you be smart in real life? I don't want to be mean, hell, I'd never want to be mean to you, ever. But your family won't ever be safe as long as your with him, and neither will you.

Yesterday, he tried to beat me to death because he thought I told someone what he was doing to me, when in reality, someone had caught on. He wasn't able to finish what he started, but I don't know why. I had already blacked out by the time he stopped.

Who was it that caught on? I need to know! I was the one that saved you! I want you to know that, but I can't tell you. I don't ever want to go through what I saw last night, ever again. That image of you covered in blood with pale white skin, it will never leave my mind. It can't. What he did to you was horrible. And I'm going to make him pay.

Not paying attention, I stood up, and as I stood up, the door opened to reveal Dr. Sarah. I think I startled her, because she jumped and the sound of the door shutting echoed throughout the busy halls. Some people turned to look at us, and then looked away, as if sensing that nothing interesting was about to happen.

She just eyed me for a moment and then turned and left without a word.

I was confused until she turned around halfway down the hall.

"Don't hurt her. She doesn't need someone else doing that to her." I stiffly nodded my head, understanding the reference she made about hurting her. I'd never do that. and I knew it. But damn. Luke was in trouble with more than one person here. They had to involve the police. I just had to make sure I'd get my hands on him first, going to jail or not, I'd make him hurt that way he hurt her. No one would ever do that to her ever again. I'd make sure of it.

You will pay Luke Brayden Fortis, and this time, you can't escape it. This time, you aren't getting off easy. This time, it will be too late for you to realize your wrongs. Oh, Luke, I'm coming for you, and when I find you, your dead.

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