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I parked outside of school and got out, putting my head down and walked into the school. I finally made it to my locker i got my books and closed my locker i turn around to face the hags almost forget to tell they are the school's sluts and Sally was the head of these hags.

"What do you want Sally?" i asked clearly annoyed

"I just came to tell you or oh wait! to comment on your choice of style which by the you look like a tomboy and a homeless that bought those clothes in a cheap market" she sneered

Why is she so dumb god! Help

"Sally if you were smart enough you see i have a nice car and Vans which clearly states that you wouldn't find that at a cheap market" i said cheering for myself in my head

"You think your smart but your not bitch " she said angry and walked away with her rest of her hags

I would of and i can beat her if i wanted to but i would probably kill seeing that i'm a vampire, i walked to my first class art i loved that class all my emtions would reflect in my drawings + paintings.

I took a seat and the teacher came in starting the lesson when the bell rang, my classes went by quickly soon it was lunch because that met i saw my only two friends that i have here and ever had.

"Kate over here" i turned to see stevie ray which i call her ray for short and Blake

We went to wait in line for our lunch it seem i was standing for hours waiting for my lunch but soon i got my food and went to sit down

"Kate,do have any plans for friday?" Ray asked

"No i don't think so what do you have  in mind?" i said

"Well after the meeting that's being held at your house we three can go to a party that's being held by Chris" ray finished of

Chris was the school's jock and captain of the soccer team , we all know he would always hook up with sally but he always deined it.

"Uh-huh well i think about it" i shurgged

Both Blake and Ray were vampires too so they were part of us they were family to me and my dad

But then i remember something i had modeling that day

"Ugh guys i have modeling that day and i have to speed run all the way to pairs for that"

"So we live in England not that far and the party start not until 11 so just make sure so be back before 12 from their time because they have one hour difference " Blake said like it was simple which it really was

And yes i was a model actually a famous one people tell all the time i look exactly like a famous model which it was me but i'll answer them by walking away i don't why i did that but i just did.

The bell rang indicating that lunch was over i said my bye's and went to class which was math i hated that class with all my guts, i walked in the room and took my seat in the back of the room i turned to my left to see two couples sucking faces it just made me gagg at the sight of it

I sighed when the teacher came in i thought he was actually out today but no he had to be here. The class settle when he began his lesson but got interruped when the class door got slammed open and in came a guy with jet black hair, he was buff , and with the most amazing crystals bule eyes i ever seen

"May i help you?" Mr. Reed asked him

"New student" he simply said with an eyes roll

"Well may i have your name" he asked

"Ryder Smith" he said and walk into more of the class to take a seat.

The teacher started talking again and didn't see where this guy Ryder took a seat

"Okay class you will work in pairs of two for this project it will be due next month due of much work that the project involves, you guys will research about an math inventor and what did he do or she and come up with a report and a poster showing what he/she did and what kind of math or topic" he said

"Will we be able to pick our partners"a kid asked

"Actually no you will be paired" he said getting a clipboard

I hated partners ugh why me! I heard a low growled from my right side taking a look i saw that the new kid sat next to me why of all people does he have to sit next to m-

"And Kate will work with um the new student Ryder" the teacher said

Serouisly  you got to be kidding me!

This is going tto be Hell for me.

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