It's Arranged

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Here I am sobbing in my bedroom taking everything in that my father said to me , I can't believe I don't have a choice for this and I hate how I feel guilty about this and now I feel the obligation to tell this to my friends and to the one I like more than a friend. Ryder. This was just too heartbreaking and I think this little trip that we will be taking tomorrow will clear my head and give me the strength to tell them. It's 1 am im here thinking of what will happen tomorrow but only time will tell truly.










17 Hours Earlier

"Ughh can't someone shut that off it's annoying" Damnit talking to myself again my hand reached over to shut the alarm off , I didn't want to get up because I knew what was coming im so stress out my best friend is dead , school, and now this , this is just too much for me but im an adult in the Vampire World so I have to grow some pair and act like an real adult.

I got up brush my teeth and wash my face , getting out of my room and going downstairs I heard people talking and it wasn't more than two , so I'm assuming there's more on my way to the kitchen my phone vibrated in my hand a text from Annette


I'll be there in 3 hours tops


Great can't wait

I continued walking and everyone stopped what they were doing and turned around I hate when that happens you know when your walking down the street and a guy in a car snaps their neck just to look at your chest and bum just hate that.

"Umm can you guys stop" I said looking down I feel pressured to tell them but I can't I look up to see Blake digging in his food and Ryder too but my father gave me a sad look I just ignored it im still mad at him he told me until now and they been planning it ever since I was inside my mother womb.

Thinking more about this situation I only have the guts to tell Blake this.

"Um Blake can I talk to you up in my room" I mind linked him because I didn't want Ryder jumping into conclusions , I walked back upstairs

"Guys I forgot something upstairs i'll be back" I said

"Alright sweetie" my father said while drinking his coffee

I waited in my room for Blake

Knock Knock.

"What's up?" Blake asked while I was pacing back and forth

"Ok now you got me worried tell me Kate"

"Alright i'll tell ya but please don't say a word to Ryder" I begged him which I usually don't

"You know you have my word now shoot"

.....Moments later

"Your What!!!!" Blake shouted

"Shhhhh I don't want him to find out because-

"Because you like him more than just a friend" Blake finished of my sentence I just simply nodded , I felt like breaking down in tears but I couldn't

"You know how I know well the way he looks at you it feels like he isn't just having a crushing on it's bigger than that but you in the other hand like him but your not sure because you have hard time expressing your feeling to people" he basically said all that I thought of in one breath

"Yes basically" my cheeks heat up .Hold up when do I ever blush this is just so unlike me I think right.

Before any of us said a word the door bell rang probably Annette so I just went downstairs and opened the door to my friend but she was nothing compared to Stevie Ray no offense.

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