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You know when you're at place or in school and one of your classes it's slent and then all of a sudden your tummy makes a weird sound like it's talking you saying feed me ! yep that's what just happen and i don't want human food i want a human i can't barely to be here with a lot of people with pluses. Also i found a new discovery i'm at a date or whatever you call with a hybrid yea i figure it out because i learned different senses. We were at the small cute cafe while waiting for our meal i looked out the window and out and up towards the sky yep it's a fullmoon bad news come to those who can't control their change or transformation.

"Look Ryder it's a full moon it's pretty isn't it" i acted all innocently

"Oh um- wow i thought it was a half moon tonight" he try to play it off

"We should stay and look outside until midnight don't you think" i try ticking him off

"No i don't want you to be late " he said shaking his head

"Are you hiding something from me?" i asked i couldn't take anymore the smell like wet dog was killing me not literally but my nose couldn't take anymore so i reached over the table and wispher in his ear he even shivered "I know what you are Ryder your a hybrid don't hide because i can see right thru you" and went of the cafe and into the woods to find a person to feed on only drunken men are around and they don't taste that good as the feared ones do. I felt a grip on my wrist i snap my head towards their direction it was Ryder of course

"How the hell do you know what i am?" he said i can see his anger in his eyes

"How did you find me?" i changed the topic

"Your sent it's different so i know it's unqiue and different but that's beside the point" he exclaimed

"I'm sorry i have to do this" i said getting closer

"What do you mean" he said

I snapped his neck he"ll live and brought him towards his car and got his keys from his pocket and drove towards the direction to my house a shortcut because he might wake up pretty soon.


Woke up to navy blue walls, heavy black crutains and the floor was a cherry wood. My neck aches so bad

all my memories came back Kate did this to me how does she know? What is she? Dragging myself out of the bed i went for the doorknob and stepped out to be greeted by my parents with their hands crossed against their chest.

Three hours elarier in Kate P.O.V.

Getting out of the car was hard carrying this jerk out, once I was inside I called my dad

"Father we got an hybrid here and you won't believe who it is" I shouted

"Oh dear I see ok I"ll bring him upstairs and just wait here in the kitchen" he said strictly I did what I was told and waited after father came he picked up his phone and went to his office. well I guess I'm going out for a snack , going into the woods I found a deer quietly sneaking up on it and leeting my fangs sink into its skin that meal fulled me up and It brought satisfaction to my stomach.

Sitting back in the chair just in time when my father came back in "I called Ryder parents to let them know our discovery and they will be on their way but it might take long condisering they are out of town.

An hour later
Knock knock

"Father their here"

"Alright I'll get it "


"Hello Samuel and Ana"

"Hello" they said in unison I went upstairs and took a nap it felt like minutes of sleeping my father called me down

"Yes Father" I said with manners

"We have new members in our kingdom there will be a ceremony tomorrow for them held in our party house " my father said pointing at Mr.and Mrs. Smith they both bowed down in my honor so I guess they know who I am I nodded in return

"King David and princess Katherine we will be happy to be part of your kingdom but if yo exuse us we need a word with our son"Mr. Smith said

"You may " I nodded and they left

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