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You know that movie frozen when Anna sings and says deep deep deeep deep deep snow instead in my case its deep deep deep trouble and yes I saw that movie with my little cousin.

"Dad , Mom how are you ?"

"Cut it Ryder we found out or let's say they found out but no worries we are going to be part of the king and princess Kathrine kingdom so Tomorrow there will be a ceremony held for us bright early in the morning " mom chirped

"Who's the king and princess? " I asked because I had no clue and the princess might be smoking hot

"Son the real question you want to know is who is the princess and if she's smoky hot?" my dad spoke  my thoughts out

"Well she is beautiful I'll give you that but she's very formal in her job as the next crownen queen in line" dad said which was making me anxious of meeting this princess. We got home and decided to rest for our big day tomorrow.


Hey, get your back of the wall

don't you get comfortable

looking so hot I think that I might fall

feeling like its my birthday

like Christmas day came early" I sang in the shower 6:30 in the morning want to know why? well because today was that dumb ceremony so to keep me awake I put my favorite song by little mix once I sneaked in one of their concerts it was amazing

Applying my strawberry scent shampoo and conditioner .

Picking a dress was hard so I closed my eyes and held my hand out to run thru them when I opened my eyes my hand landed on a light blue dress with the top open and small diamonds all over the dress

some white flats will look good with it after changing I let my loose wavy hair fall without no make-up.


Today is the day we get in a clan or kingdom or whatever, I wonder who are king and princess they must be very strict and overprotective over their subjects. There's one more thing I forgot to add were moving closer to where all their people live but funny part is that no one has told me what kind of species they are I only heard about werewolves and hybrids and vampires but never actually met a bloodsucker in my live they scare the life out of me in movies and all that. All of sudden Kate came to mind ahe acts different in school like a very shy girl but whwn she's out she strong and evil and mean I wonder why could she be one of their people? After all she dis snap my neck.

"Ryder come on were going to be late" mom called

Getting in the car and waiting till my parents got in and startes to drive away

"Ry we have more news" dad said

Oh god more news hear we go

"We will be staying a week over to the king's house while our new home is being finished up" dad finished it

Oh great just what I needed


I was waiting to be announced to come in

"Guys where have you been " I scolded Stevie Ray and Blake

"You been gone a damn week explain " I shouted using my princess tone

"Sorry Princess Katherine your aunt called us up and offered us a modeling job and we were stuck in Paris for week" Ray bowed

" Oh ok I was messing with you guys anyways but you guys missed in a lot" I explained to them everything

"Really who would believe he was that your smart Katherine" Blake said

"Well a witch to got her ways"I wiggled my eyebrows

"Ok go guys I"ll see you later" they nodded and left quickly

Stevie Ray

Heading down and waiting for Katherine to be announced Ryder was making his way towards Blake and I ,I nudged Blake and followed my eyes and looked at me and shrugged

"Hey nice to know I know you two and I'm not alone"

"So you know who the king and this Princess Katherine is?" he asked very concerned

"Yeah of course we live with them she's our best friend" Blake answered before I spoke

"Oh looks like I'll be rooming with you guys in their house for a week" he smiled

"Yeah we know" we said in unison

"So you guys are a thing huh?" he asked

"Ok first of all why would I date my brother here" I got up in his face

"Oh sorry didn't know"

"Yeah better" I sassed

"So do you know any stuff about this mysterious princess?" he asked gosh this boy askes to much questions

"Yeah she's more powerful then all of us in this room and she's kind but bitchy most of the time but you'll get use to it"Blake once again taking my line

"Ohh she sounds pretty intimidating"

"yeah" I said

"Gosh, Katherine is right you smell like a wet dog"I pinched my nose

"Wait she has seen me?" he asked confused

"Well duh she's the princess what do you expect" Blake said in a 'duh' tone

"I'm hungry" I blurted out

"Well we can go get something real quick we still have an hour left" Blake said standing up I looked over to Ryder

"Wanna join we are just going to have a meal" he nodded and followed us


Following them we were in a bar in no time .

Stevie Ray and Blake nodded at each other and went to do something in their separate ways Stevie went to a guy around her age and started flirting with and Blake did same but with a stunning hot chick I followed like a dumbass weren't they suppose to get a meal? I stood aside and came with the contact that froze me in place they were sucking off those people

They drained them and turn to me

"Wh-What are you guys?" I dare to asked

"I thought you knew well were vampires and I believe you are too but I guess you don't use that side of yourself only the wolf part" Stevie simply said

"Oh shit were going to be late Ryder do you know how to use your fast speed?"

Blake asked


"Clear your mind and just run"

"Okay" I did what I was told and I ended up where I was before  in less than a minute


Ookay let the ceremony start!

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