I got tagged No.1

185 16 313

1. Your initials: MH

2. What shirt are you wearing right now (color or design): A black shirt and the pattern reminds me of Adventure Time

3. What electronic are you using at the moment to be on wattpad: A Samsung phone, don't ask me what kind I have no idea

4. Last book you read: The Maze Runner

5. Last song you listened to: No Diggity

6. Farthest you've ever been from home (State, county, etc): I've been to the mountains for 6th grade camp but that's it

7. Ever bought anything from Spencer's: No

8. What song do you have stuck in your head right now: A million men by melanie martinez

9. Favorite letter of the alphabet: B, that's for personal reasons

10. Favorite board game: Clue

11. The last event you bought a ticket to attend: A Sia concert.  f
Fun fact, that was my first concert I ever went to

12. Favorite meme: dat boi

13. Last word you said: "Shut the f**k Jane" it makes sense if you where here

14. Last building you were in (besides your house): My school's theatre class

15. Close your eyes, point your head in a random direction, open them. What's the first thing you see?: My Powerade #NotSpons

16. Last restaurant you were in: Does Costco count?

17. Last item you bought or someone bought for you: My sister bought me toothpaste

18. Last wattpad book you read: My roommate the sex God. Don't judge me

19. Last person you talked to: My sister girlfriend David

20. Do you have a dreamcatcher by your bed: Yes, it's on my door

21. Do you believe in ghost: Yes, there's one following me

22. Any stuffed animals on your bed: Too many to count

23. What colors are your phone case: I don't have one that's why my phone in so f**ked up

24. Most reliable fictional character: Crenny. Yes I know it's two people but I can't choose one

25. Last fictional crush: Don't make me choose, but I'll say Lucifer from the devil is a part timer

26. What's your sexuality at the moment: I'm pansexual, so all you cuties out there pm me

27. Ever dyed your hair? If so what color: I haven't dyed my hair and not planning to

28. Last app you were on (besides wattpad): Tumblr

29. Favorite pet you've ever had: A dog named Pluto, I named when I was five and some of you know could tell

30. Last movie you watched: The way he looks

Thanks Super_Obsascinator for tagging me and the lucky person I chose to tag is ChrisErwin.

Thank you for reading

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