I have a problem

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So I just watched the stranger thing teaser and OH MY GOD am I exited. But there's a problem

I started watching Volron yesterday, and kinda went to far in the fandom and started shipping the characters and making headcanons that shouldn't even be headcanons because pidge IS trans.

Sorry just needed to get that out. But really Netflix and stranger thing crew, really. You just had to do this.

In other news I'm making another story, I know I was telling everyone to read my other story but I'm trying to find someone that can write good smut........for stuff. So if you can write that kinda stuff please pm or kik me.

I'm getting off topic so I'll just get straight to the point. Please read my new story when I comes out its called "Before it's time" it has my first genderfluid character and I love them, they're my favorite to draw.

I would show you the cover but I lost it, when I find it I'll post it promise. But do you even care? I don't think so

Thankyou for reading

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