I got tagged No. 5

47 8 11

I just woke up so Imma be lazy

I just woke up so Imma be lazy

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1. Favorite sport: Volleyball

2. Favorite scent: Disneyland

3. Favorite type of shoe: Don't have one

4. Have any plushies: Yes, a bear, a pillow pet, more little bears, and animals from the wild

5. Do you have any tattoos: No, I'm not old enough and my mom says they're the devil

 Do you have any tattoos: No, I'm not old enough and my mom says they're the devil

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6: Wherever my siblings and I go

7: Maple because I'm sweet but I'm sticky and annoying

8: blue like water or the kind that see your soul and light up when they're happy

9: No where because I can fight and so can my family

10: JB can go suck my dick, Melanie is my wife, and Eminem has some good songs

So I'm going to pick it randomly again


Thankyou xXxCraig_TuckerxXx for tagging me when I was asleep

Thankyou for reading

Oh p.s. for the asshole who thinks he doesn't need to do this ChrisErwin you're doing this

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