oh God

52 4 130

I'm back and all I'm doing is writing

Yeah so iluvdiana said my next thing in this book should be tag so I'm going to answer questions I got from a website

1. Where do I see myself in five years: Sad alone in highschool

2. What if today is my last: then I die

3. Do I volunteer enough: I don't volunteer at all because I'm 14

4. Do I want children: yeah, but again 14 I haven't even had sex with a boy yet

5. Should I focus on my education or should I worry about my future: what does that even mean, my future is my education

6. Do I see myself getting married: yeah....that's all

7 should I have plastic surgery: well I want a dick so I kinda have to but with anything thing else no

8. Today I want to settle down or not: yeah... I want kids

9. Who am I want to be: I think you want to say am I what I want to be and if I want to be a sad lonely trans boy who's the third wheel in my friend group then yes

10. Am I happy with my career choices: I'M 14

11. Should I ask my boss for a raise: I don't have a job

12. Have I experienced enough of other cultures: no

13. Am I dating the right person: I'm not dating anyone so....

14. And my living a physically / mentally / spiritually healthy life: no

15. Have I saved enough money for emergencies: I have no money

So that's it I'm done, now for the fun part

I tag
crazybunny23 are we still friends

Thank you for reading

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