I got tagged No.3

125 10 77

1. Do I have a crush on anyone? Yes, but she thinks I'm a creep

2. Middle name? Alexis, I hate it but my friend that's coming over for Christmas has that for her fist name so don't tell her I said that

3. Height? 5'3, got you Chris

4. Foot size? 9 or 10 in women but an 8 in men

5. Eye color? Brown

6. Last time I cried? About an hour ago because I was listening to "stay alive" - Hamilton, that's song gets me ever time

7. Biggest fear? That I might never satisfied my father and be a bum on the street like my mother said I would

8. Last song I listened to? "Obedient servant"- Hamilton

Yeah I'm obsessed with the Hamilton fandom

9. Last person I texted? My brother

10. Favorite app? No comment

Thankyou(fuck you)ChrisErwin for tagging me. Now I have the power


Some of them I not even friends with that much but I feel like being an ass today so sorrynotsorry

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