Chapter Fifteen: Nickelback Night

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Everyone stood dead silent, and Dawn asked,

"You didn't see Adam's break-up tweet?"

They all shook their heads...and it was probably the awkwardest minute in my life.

Finally, Ty had the guts to shatter the icy silence,

"Break-up or not Dawn, we all still love you."

She smiled, but told them,

"I deleted everything and left the team. I don't want to see any hate, questions, or death threats. Got enough of that already."

Everyone slowly nodded in agreement, then Adam said,

"Dawn, we have to talk later after the party. Now, let's get the party rolling!"

We all cheered, and Mitch went to go screw with the music while Jason ordered us 'prizza.'

While everyone was busy, Dawn lightly grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom.

"Okay, so I thought since everyone is doing something, now is a good time for us to talk," she whispered.

"In the bathroom?" I whisper-yelled, and she gave me the where-else look.

"Evelyn, I'm really sorry what I did earlier. I didn't mean to slap you or get snippy with you. But I saw you as Adam, almost as a visual hallucination. I love you, and I got really lonely when you left, please forgive me."

She was nearly in tears when she finished, and I just hugged her tightly,

"Dawn, I forgive you. I love you, you're my sister. I don't want to see you hurt or upset, so please, let's just go have a fun night."

We smiled at each other and left the bathroom.

Ian exclaimed,

"What were you guys showering together?"

I could not help but burst into a fit of giggles, Ian was always an idiot.

Finally, the 'prizza' had come, and we were all set with the tunage.

"Whatcha playing Mitch?" Adam asked, and he did not say anything.

All I heard was 'Burn It To The Ground' by Nickelback blast through the speakers.

Hot damn! My favorite song...and everyone else's, too.

We all set whatever we had in our hands down, and started rocking out.

All throughout the party, we jammed out to Nickelback. They were heavy metal legends, I'll tell ya!


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