Chapter Twenty-Five: Ryder and Luke

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Before I knew it, the bus pulled into the parking lot of a huge school. Adrianne and I stopped talking and stared at the huge towering school right by our bus window.

"Dang, it's huge," she whispered, and I nodded.

Of course, every other kid on this bus had already been here. It was January for gosh sakes.

We ran off the bus and crammed ourselves into the school entrance. Both of us were directed to go to the front office for our schedules. We had to ask multiple times from a security guard for directions. In case you have not noticed, we were never given a tour.

As we walked down the hall, we stared at our schedules. I read mine aloud.

"Homeroom with Miss. Esther, 1st period gym with Mr. Bacman, 2nd-3rd period math with Miss. Esther, 4th-5th period language arts with Mrs. Sooy, lunch, 6th-7th period science A-days with Mr. Jocklin and social studies B-days with Mr. Ferrari, 8th period encore with rotating teachers, 9th period study hall with Miss. Esther."

Adrianne freaked out.

"I have all of your classes! We're together!" she yelled, jumping up and down.

"Hey! No yelling in the halls!" a security guard snapped.

We giggled as we walked into Miss. Esther's homeroom.

"Girls," she exclaimed, "you're finally here!"

Miss. Esther pulled us up in the front of the classroom and spoke aloud,

"Class, listen up! I want you to meet our two new students. Please welcome Adrianne Moore and Evelyn Dahlberg!"

Everyone yelled, "Hi Evelyn! Hi Adrianne!"

Wow, this seemed like a really nice school. She led us both to a table with two other guys. One was from our bus.

"Hi," I said, looking at the two.

"Hey! Aren't you the sister of Dawnables?" one asked, and I nodded.

"Wow, that's cool! I'm Ryder, and this is my bud, Luke. We watch Team Crafted and stuff," he replied back, and I smiled.

Just then, we had to shut up so we could hear the announcements. A bunch of boring shit. Pfft, did not surprise me. Once they had finished, we all made our way to the gymnasium, Ryder and Luke walking beside Adrianne and I. Maybe they would be our friends too.

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