Chapter Twenty-Seven: Friends Night

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"Bye Adrianne!" I yelled to my best friend, waving.

I made my way across the street to my house, where I walked in the front door and was greeted with a smiling Adam and Dawn.

"So Evelyn, how was school?" Dawn asked, and I spilled everything.

"I made five new friends! Adrianne was the first, who sits next to me on the bus. Then I met Ryder and Luke in homeroom. They watch Team Crafted too. Then at lunch, I met a girl named Christina who was sitting with Ryder and Luke. And as I was dumping my tray, I saw a girl getting bullied by three snobs. One looked like she could be hoebag's sister. I scared them away and became good friends with the girl. They are the school famous bullies too!"

Adam whispered a 'wow' and Dawn smiled.

"Sounds like you had fun!"

I sat on the couch beside them and asked,

"That girl that got bullied. Her name is Paige. Do you mind if she came over?"

Dawn and Adam had a mind quarrel, but they finally agreed. I jumped up, threw my bookbag off, and ran outside.

There I noticed Paige, looking at her phone, earbuds in ears, walking down the sidewalk.

"Hey Paige!" I yelled, and she looked up and grinned.

She ran over to me and we hugged. She pulled out her earbuds and put her phone away.

"Come on, let's go meet my sister and brother-in-law. It's cold out!" I chattered through my teeth, rubbing my arms.

Paige nodded her head and we ran up the porch steps and burst through the door, a cold breeze sweeping in.

"Dawn! Adam! Meet Paige!" I hollered, and they came from the kitchen.

"Hi Paige!" Adam exclaimed, and Dawn waved.

Paige stared at the ground, but she smiled. I led her upstairs to my room where we sat on my bed.

She seemed really shy. Those damn bullies are killing her self-esteem.

"Hey Paige, you seem out of it. What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

She looked up at me and sighed, almost a sad sigh.

"It's just my torn-apart family and the bullying. I can't take it anymore. Before you came along, I was really thinking of suicide," she told me, and I was shocked.

"Paige! Why would you think about suicide? Do you know how many people would be devastated? Even if it seems they don't care, they do! Even the bullies. Trust me on this Paige," I reassured her.

She smiled and I stood up, speaking like an announcer,

"I shall turn on some Nickelback!"

She nearly fell off the bed fangirling.

"YOU LIKE NICKELBACK?!" she screamed, nearly blowing my eardrums.

"Oww, not so loud. And I LOVE them," I laughed, and she just fell back on the bed, dazed.

As the list of songs played, I showed her my Minecraft stuff. She too was a Minecrafter, which I thought was pretty coincidental.

What stopped us dead was the ear-burning yelling and crashing from downstairs.


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