Chapter Twenty: I Didn't Sign Up For That Shit

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The next morning, I awoke in my fluffy bed.

Wow, last night was nuts. I remember the whole thing with Dawn, Melissa, and I. And the kiss!

We partied after that, but hell, I cannot remember shit.

I pushed my self to get out of my room and shuffle downstairs. Dawn and Adam sat on the couch together, and Adam had his laptop on his lap.

"Morning guys," I yawned, coming closer to them.

Dawn turned and said with a bright smile on her face,

"Hey sis! Adam just signed you up for school."

My happy mood was immediately clouded by a storm in my head.

"School? I didn't sign up for that shit!" I exclaimed.

Adam looked at me and said,

"You really didn't have a choice. It was either home school, which believe me sucks. And it's the law that you have to be in some type of schooling. Besides, you'll make new friends!"

I turned on my heel and groaned walking to the kitchen.

"I'm taking you shopping tomorrow! You start Monday!" Dawn yelled from the living room.

It is already January? Why start 6th grade now? I missed half the shit I need for 7th. Then I remembered how Dawn and Adam could get thrown in jail for not signing me up.

I sat at the table flicking through Instagram on my phone while eating cocoa puffs. One of Mitch's pictures came up, and I nearly spit out my cereal.

"Holy hell! When did Mitch get a girlfriend?" I yelled, hoping for an answer.

Adam came into the kitchen and sat beside me, setting his laptop on the picture.

"Let me see," he asked, and I showed him my phone.

"Wow, she's beautiful," he whispered, and I whacked him on the arm.

"Adam, stop flirting!" I whisper-yelled.

Dawn came in and raised her eyebrow, but smiled at Adam.

"Don't tell me you're cheating! You cheated on me with water two years ago!" she laughed, but Adam went over and grabbed her waist.

"I would never cheat on you. Besides, Mitch would kill me!" he said, his famous laugh uprising.

We all laughed with him, knowing that everything would be alright. Until Dawn and I went shopping the next day.

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