Chapter 16...? Maybe. XD

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"What the fuck?" Rian says from behind us. Quickly, Coly and I break apart.

"Rian-" I say, getting off Coly.

"I can't believe this," he says, shaking his head. Coly jumps up and starts running, leaving new footprints along the edge of the shore where ours have washed away.

"Coly!" I yell after her, Rian stands by my side yelling for her too. Soon, I can't see her anymore and I hang my head in shame. Letting out a loud sigh, I turn and face Rian. I have no idea what I'm supposed to say.

"You wanna explain to me what I've just seen?" he asks, a serious look on his face. I sigh again and sit down on the sand. Rian sits beside me, waiting patiently for my answer.

"I've been in love with that girl for almost five years. Since I was twelve years old, man," I say. I know it isn't an excuse, but it's true.

"She's Jack's girlfriend," he says gently. I'm all too aware of that fact.

"I know," I start, before hesitantly adding, "Are you going to tell him?"

"I should. But no, I won't. Because it was just that one kiss, right?"

"It was," I say, nodding at him.

"Okay. I've gotta find Coly, I need to talk to her," he tells me, getting to his feet.

"I'll come with you, man,"

"Maybe it's best you don't?" he asks me, giving me a concerned look. "Go see Lisa, man,"

"Fuck. Lisa. I can't believe I-"

"You haven't done anything to Lisa, okay? You're not her boyfriend, yet,"

"I've still betrayed her..."

"Yeah. You have, you've betrayed both Lisa and Jack, but there's nothing you can do about it now. You have to move on, move past Coly. You have to get over her because she's with Jack. We all know - you especially know - she isn't exactly the most stable person. This isn't going to help her any," he says and my stomach drops. Coly wouldn't... Do something stupid, would she? Rian seems to sense what I'm thinking, reaching a hand out to pat my shoulder. "I'm gonna go find her, man. Do yourself a favour - go see Lisa," he tells me again and I nod. I'll go see Lisa.

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