Kiss Me Again

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<Me: Hey, do you wanna meet up today? I think we should talk> I text Coly. I had been putting this off all day. It had been a month since we had kissed and I still felt the same way. Since seeing her yesterday, I hadn't been able to get her off my mind. This was it; I was going to ask her if her offer still stood. If it did, I'd break up with Lisa, hopefully she'd break up with Jack, we'd wait a few months and then we would be free to be together. It could be that easy, right? I don't know.

<Coly: Okay. Where and when?>

<Me: Ten minutes, the park?>

<Coly: I'm two minutes away, see you when you get there> she replies. I jump up, pulling on my shoes and zipping up my hoodie. I jog lightly to the park, Coly was right - I am unfit. I live five minutes from the park, but I don't want to leave Coly waiting if she's closer than I am. I get there and I see her instantly. She's sitting on the swings, wearing a floaty black dress that falls to just above her knees, a pair of Doc Martins and a leather jacket with the hood up, her hair hanging out in their loose natural waves. She has her head down, looking at her bare knees, a sad look on her face. I sprint over to her, landing hard on the swing. The chains on the swing rattle and she looks up, startled, pulled out of her trance.

"Are you okay?" I ask, concerned.

"My Gran died," she tells me. I reach a hand out, rubbing the top of her arm gently. I don't remember much of her Gran, mostly that she just used to give us a lot of cookies and cake. I smile at the memory - she was awesome at baking.

"That sucks, I'm sorry," I say. I don't really know what to say. Should I not ask her about her proposition?

"Yeah. I'm just kinda..." she trails off. I look up at her, nervous.

"Kinda what?"

"Things feel a bit much, again," she opens up to me. She won't look at me; she's gone back to studying her knees.

"What do you mean?" I ask fearfully.

"A lot of shit happened the other night. It wasn't an attempt but-"

"Coly, you're scaring me," I tell her.

"I cut myself," she whispers, pulling back her leather jackets sleeves and holding her arms out. I see the scars, five (tiny in comparison) raised cuts that have now scabbed over. They look so sore, but I reach a hand out to touch one gingerly. She flinches slightly but doesn't move away. I stand up off the swing and pull her up and into a hug. She rests her head on my chest and I rest my chin on the top of her head, holding her as tightly as I can. "I can't stay too long, I was actually on my way to Jack's," she tells me. My gut wrenches and I know that I can't ask her. I hold her at arms length and nod.

"Call me if you need me, okay? I can talk any time. I'll come get me if you want me to," I explain and she nods again.

"I will. Thank you," she says and I force a smile onto my face.

"What are best friends for?" I ask, still smiling fakely. She smiles and stands on her tiptoes, gently pressing her lips to mine. It's nothing more than a friend kiss, lasting just a few seconds. She pulls away, turning to go, but I want more. I grab her wrist, careful of her cuts and she turns back to me. "Kiss me again?" I plead, imploring her with my eyes.

"I can't," she says, taking her hand away from me and walking away. I stand in the same place until she's out of sight, hoping she'll look back. She doesn't. I hadn't realised it was dark until now. I guess I'll go home.


There was a knock at my door and I knew it was Coly. I rushed downstairs, pulling the door open and grinning at her.

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