Just a filler for now, but some important things happen in it ;O

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"Stop the car," Coly says quietly but with a sense of urgency. She looks pale and clammy, so I assume that she's going to be sick. She's staring out the window with a look of shock on her face before I've properly stopped the car, she's jumped out. She runs over to the other side of the road, up to a guy on the sidewalk. He's tall and skinny - more so than Jack is. He has shaggy brown hair and he looks back at her in shock. I look round to Lisa, confused and find her staring back at me with the same look of confusion. I hesitate over whether or not to get out of the car, but I do when she leaps up, throwing her arms around his neck. She's tiny in comparison - she has to stand on her tiptoes and he has to bend down for her. He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her close and burying his face in the top of her head. Lisa gets out too, walking around to me, putting her hand on my arm.

"Don't do something stupid," she warns me, knowing that I'm really mad about this. Neither of us actually knows this guy, but we both have an idea of who it is. When I walk over to them, they've pulled apart but are still smiling - somewhat awkwardly - at each other.

"Hey," I say, nodding, clenching my jaw. Coly moves in to stand at my side, her tiny hand gripping mine tightly.

"Alex, this is Jared. Jared, this is my boyfriend, Alex," she says, pointing from me to Jared, from Jared to me. I nod, jaw still clenched, taking the hand he sticks out to me and shaking it.

"Ah, so you're the guy who ran away and left her?" he says, smiling at me, but I can see the anger in his eyes.

"I could say the same to you, right?" I say, returning his smile. That seems to shut him up. Coly finally seems to sense the tension between us, grabbing my hand.

"We'd better get going," she tells Jared and he nods.

"Maybe I'll see you again soon?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'll be back again for my Mom's... I'll be back again, soon," she tells him. "Bye,"

"Bye, Cece," he says, turning and walking back in the direction he was heading before she stopped him.

"'Cece'?" I ask.

"Colette Carson," she tells me, shaking her head.

"That's genius! I can't believe I never thought of that!" Lisa says, clearly forgetting the entire situation. We walk back to the car, my arm around Coly's shoulders just in case Jared looks back. This time Coly gets into the front seat, pulling her knees up to her chest. Once I'm in and I've started the car, Coly fiddles around with the radio, stopping when she finds a station playing "Head On Collision," by New Found Glory.

We've driven another thirty minutes or so when Coly gets a call. She takes it, mumbling a series of 'mm-hmms' and 'yeahs'.

"Thank you," she mutters, hanging up. I glance over at her, while Lisa squeezes her shoulder supportively. She looks down, not saying anything.

"Well?" I urge. She looks up at me, her beautiful eyes filled with tears.

"Well, its official," she starts and I look at her in confusion. "I'm an orphan," she says, laughing dryly. A tear rolls down her cheek as she turns to face the window, leaning her head on the window and refusing to look at Lisa or me. I share a concerned look with Lisa in the rear view mirror, but neither of us says anything. She just needs to cry for a while.

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