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Alex goes to run after Coly, but Zack puts his hand out, stopping him.

"You should let her go, man. Let her calm down," he says and Alex nods. Rian and Zack are looking at me in a strange mixture of sympathy and resentment. Rian gives me a weak, pitiful smile before turning and walking inside the building with Alex. I put my hand out to Alex but he flinches away from me. He doesn't say anything, but the look on his face says it all. Alex hates me. Zack doesn't look at me, but as he walks past, nods and says 'Lisa'. Only Jack remains standing outside with me.

"You okay?" he asks. I'm slightly surprised. Doesn't Jack hate me too?

"Not really," I answer. "But I'll be fine. Nobody wrote a book filled with all of my secrets and posted it around my school,"

"Why did you do it?"

"I was angry?" I say. I don't mean it to, but it comes out as a question.

"I was angry too," he tells me. I know he was. I remember.

"I know you were. I had to talk you out of killing Alex!"

"You promised Coly that-"

"I know what I promised, Jack. You should go in, I guess," I mumble, looking down at my shoes.

"I'm not going in, Lis. You need me today," he replies, smiling at me and pulling me in for a hug. "Let's pretend none of this happened, okay?"

"Okay," I say into his chest, unable to keep myself from smiling. "That sounds good. What d'you wanna do?"

"Hmm..." Jack says, pausing to think for a minute. "Everything," he finishes and I look at him, puzzled.

"Everything?" I question.


"Okay. Everything it is, then," I smile up at him.

"If you're lucky, I'll even buy you brunch,"

"'Brunch'?" I ask, only slightly mockingly.

"Yes. Brunch," he says, emphasising the CH. "Your carriage awaits, mademoiselle,"

"Jack, I don't know how to tell you this... But you don't have a car," I laugh. He turns his back to me, crouching slightly and looking over his shoulder.

"Hop on," he says. And for some reason, I do.

"I've never seen you eat so much, ever," Jack tells me as I finish off my sixth pancake.

"Well, since you're paying - and that doesn't happen often - I thought I'd take advantage,"

"Taking advantage of a poor, extremely handsome guy, are we?"

"I don't know about the 'extremely handsome' part..."

"Bitch," he laughs.

"You gonna eat that?" I ask, pointing towards his bacon. He picks it up and shoves it in his mouth, eating it as fast as possible.

"Yesh," he replies with his mouth full.

"Didn't your Mommy ever teach you table manners?" I tease, waving my fork in his face.

"My Mommy says I'm a very polite, VERY HANDSOME young man," he grins at me.

"No one likes you, Jack," I joke and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"No one particularly likes you right now, Lisa," he says and I blush, looking at my knees. What he said was true, but it still stung. "Sorry,"

"Don't be. It's true,"

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