His Biggest Fan || Yuuri Katsuki

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[Rating: PG13]
[Word Count: 1,404]
[Summary: You've supported Yuuri from the stands since before he was even discovered by Viktor, and he appreciates it.]
[Edited 10.13.2017]

     You sat quietly among the stands of cheering fans, too absorbed in Yuuri's performance to make even the slightest sound. You were taken aback by his change in style. It was as if, over the last year, he had become a different person.

     You had always been a fan of his skating, showing up to every event featuring him, regardless of how mediocre other people had viewed his ability in the past. You found the anxious glances he would make towards the crowd to be rather endearing, in fact.

     The way he was skating now, however, told you he would never face that nervousness again. Now, instead of doubt written in his features, he wore a look of deep concentration and determination. 

     You couldn't say which version of him you liked better, but you knew that he would leave you awestruck regardless of his theme and composure.

     You watched intently as he leaped into the air time after time without a single mistake. His program was flawless. Not only that, but it adhered to his eros theme a little too well. 

     You were indescribably proud of his progress. It was a shame that most didn't see his potential until now. By the end of the performance, you were tearing up. Yes, you were often too sensitive about little things like this, but you couldn't help it. Especially when it came to Yuuri Katsuki.

      After the music faded, he stood in the middle of the rink, catching his breath. His eyes scanned the crowd, and you could've sworn they locked on you. He flashed a tired smile and winked, his confidence still glowing despite his exhaustion.

     The crowd around you erupted into arguments about who he directed the gesture at, while you sat silently in shock and confusion. You inhaled deeply, trying not to get your hopes up. After all, Yuuri didn't know you, and therefore the chances of his focus being on you for even a second were slim.

     Besides, if by some miracle, you were the one he winked at, it was likely just part of the performance.

     You slumped back in your seat at the thought. Unfortunately, you couldn't even dream of interacting with Yuuri platonically, let alone romantically. You're lucky to even have the privilege of seeing him at autograph signings.

      Speaking of which, you thought it'd be best to hurry to the autograph signing line before it got too long.

     You noticed Yuuri out of the corner of your eye as you left the rink. From what you could tell, he had returned to his coach, Viktor, and was speaking to him in hushed whispers, his face still flushed from the performance. 

     Sighing, you continued on until you reached the designated line. Even though the signing hadn't started, there were tons of people in front of you. He was starting to get pretty popular.

     As you stood waiting for the line to shorten, your mind wandered back to Yuri's wink. It was unlike him to direct his efforts more towards the crowd than the judges, even with his newfound determination. Was it simply to add to his reputation?

     You mulled it over as you gradually began to move forward. Soon enough, you were standing in front of him.

     Flusteredly, you set a notepad on the table and pushed your contemplations to the back of your mind. "Could you please make it out to-"

     "(Y/N)," he finished.

     Your eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know?"

     He smiled sheepishly as he scribbled down a short note and his signature. "I've written out so many autographs for you at past events, it's impossible to forget." He closed the book and held it out for you. "Not that it's a bad thing," he added, starting to remind you of the quiet, anxious Yuuri he used to be.

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