Unpacking (Lemon) || Viktor Nikiforov

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[Rating: PG13]
[Word Count: 2,272]
[Summary: Viktor finds some of your more provocative belongings.]  
[Edited 10.17.2017]

     You sighed, staring at the mountain of bags on the floor of your new room. You were never selective enough when packing, and it showed.

     When your good friend Yuuri had called you and ask you to stay at his family's hot spring so that you could train alongside him, you hadn't had any idea that Viktor Nikiforov would be your coach. You'd packed lightly, only expecting to stay for a few weeks. 

     When you'd been versed on the topic of Viktor's whereabouts and plans to coach, though, you'd decided to stay much, much longer. You were a huge fan of his, and you wouldn't give up the opportunity to gain his approval and, if you were lucky, affection. Rushing to adjust for the decision, you had stuffed almost all of your possessions into boxes and suitcases to be shipped off to Japan.

     Now, as you studied the massive amount of things you had to unpack, a knock sounded at the door. "(Y/N)?" a familiar voice called.

     You couldn't help but become excited when you heard your idol's voice, and you hurriedly responded, always glad to interact with him. "Come in, Viktor!"

     Viktor swung the door open and stepped into the room, wearing his usual carefree smile. "I figured you would like some help unpacking."

     You nodded, thoroughly grateful for the offer, especially considering that it was coming from him. You were starstruck by the skater and had been wondering how it was even possible for you to be lucky enough to stand in his presence.

     Upon seeing your response, Viktor grinned and knelt down to unzip the first bag, pulling out your bedding and tossing it onto your mattress. Seeing him show an interest in helping you gave you the motivation to unpack as well, so you turned away from him and busied yourself with sorting through the books you'd brought.

     After about fifteen minutes, you glanced back over at Viktor. You'd noticed he'd been unusually quiet. He usually talked nonstop, about even the most trivial things, so you found the silence to be rather odd.

     Your face flushed red you saw the reason for his quietness. In his hands, he held a lacey, red pair of rather exposing underwear. "Oh! Let me handle those!" you cried as you scrambled over to him flusteredly.

     He turned his attention to you and held up the article of clothing in question. "I wouldn't expect you to wear something so appealing!" he laughed.

     You reached desperately and tore it out of his hands, ignoring his comment. "Please just forget you saw these," you begged, a hint of whining in your voice. 

     Viktor grinned. "Oh, but how could I? You have such a pure reputation in the skating world! For you to wear those? Unimaginable! What else have you been hiding?"

     You pouted at his words, your face hot. "Nothing! I'm not that kind of person. Besides, it's not like anybody sees them."

     "But I just did."

     He had a point. "Fine. It's not like anybody sees me wearing them."

     "But I'm sure you'd let me." His voice was thick and sultry as he said this.

     You gaped at his suggestive words. You knew Viktor was flirty and that he didn't understand personal boundaries, but you didn't think you, of all people, would have to deal with that. He was right though; all he'd have to do is say the words, and you'd strip down for him. Of course, you wouldn't actually tell him that. "I would not."

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