Hot Springs (Lemon) || Yuuri Katsuki

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[Rating: R]
[Word Count: 2,101]
[Summary: Yuuri bathes in a hot spring with you and gets a bit carried away.]
[Edited 10.17.2017]

     Blissfully, you slipped into the Katsuki family's hot spring. The mixture of the cool, late night air and the steaming water made you feel like you were melting. You sighed and sunk deeper, allowing the water to rise to your collarbones.

     You had waited all day for this. Sure, you could have hypothetically taken your bath earlier, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it in the end. After all, this hot spring featured mixed bathing. Your thoughts tended to become a bit perverted, so you figured you would end up doing something regrettable if you bathed with anybody of the opposite gender. Just the thought of having a man's eyes on your bare body was enough to make your face flush red with embarrassment.

     The fact that Yuuri bathed in the same hot spring was just more of a reason to wait until everybody else was asleep in order to use the facility. You found your perverted thoughts to be the most vivid when he was near, and you didn't like where they usually ended up; with you imagining the two of you in plenty of different positions, none of which were appropriate. Worse yet, you had developed romantic feelings for him to accompany the sexual ones.

     A sudden splashing sound pulled you back to reality, and you quickly covered as much of your submerged body with your hands as possible. Your eyes darted up to the source of the noise and widened.

     "Yuuri!" you gasped.

     The skater emerged clumsily from the water at hearing your voice, covering his lower half with shaking hands. His face was a bright red, and he wore a look of obvious alarm. Apparently, you weren't the only one who tried to avoid bathing with others. "I'm so sorry!" he stammered. "I didn't realize you would be here!"

     You shook your head wildly, not wanting him to feel guilty for walking in on you. "No, this is mixed bathing! You haven't done anything wrong, so there's no need to apologize!" Your face was boiling hot as you tried to reassure him.

     "Yes, but I know how important your privacy is to you!" he exclaimed, moving his hands up to cover his face in shame.

     You let out a squeak of embarrassment, shielding your eyes. "Yuuri!"

     Realizing that he was now exposed, he quickly sat down in the water and allowed it to hide his lower half. His face was just as red as yours now, and he was starting to get panicky. "That's not what I meant to do!"

     You could barely comprehend his words. You were too preoccupied with the thousands of thoughts that were running through your mind. You and Yuuri were both naked, in a hot spring, and alone. You had just seen Yuuri standing completely nude, and it was amazing. Not only that, but you were almost certain he was hard.

     Most of all, though, you were thinking about how messed up it was for you to feel so sexually excited after the sight. Seeing it was just an accident, but you couldn't help but fantasize. The steam that surrounded the two if you certainly didn't help combat your daydreaming.


     You flusteredly turned your attention back to Yuuri. "Listen, it's fine!" you assured him. "I needed to get over being uncomfortable with things like this, anyway! Go ahead and take your bath."

     His body relaxed slightly at your words. "Are you sure it's okay?"

     You averted your gaze. "I don't care what happens in this hot spring, so long as you're okay with it."

     Your face grew even hotter after you realized what you had said. You glanced over at Yuuri in order to gauge his reaction. If he seemed upset by your words, you could always just take them back.

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